Category Archives: Wineconed Wednesdays

Winecone Wednesday – Do Epic Shit Edition

Do Epic Shit.

Not a bad motto. I’d even venture to say all of us have experienced a burst of energy dedicated to doing just that at some point in time. A Twitter conversation later clarified that the motto should actually be, “Do Epic Shit. With More Coffee.”

Obviously. Continue reading

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Winecone Wednesday – Burning Down the House Edition

The mailers have begun arriving. The commercials are blathering on. The political circus has begun continues. Next verse? Same as the first!

Here’s your ticket pack your bags/ Time for jumpin’ overboard
Transportation isn’t here
Close enough but not too far,
Maybe you know where you are
Fightin’ fire with fire
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Winecone Wednesday – Where the Wild Things Are Edition


“And it is through fantasy that children achieve catharsis. It is the best means they have for taming wild things,” Maurice Sendak once said. As adults, we have perhaps lost our imagination. (I guess that’s why we throw winecones.)

Maurice Sendek left this world yesterday. “He sailed off through night and day and in and out of weeks and almost over a year to where the wild things are.” To the author of splendid nightmares: I do not believe there is a child out there who has not turned their mischief making into a fantasy world of fierce monsters – in a land where we can all be the king of our wild things.

“And now, let the wild rumpus start!” Continue reading

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Winecone Wednesday – MAYDAY! Edition

Mayday! Mayday! Time is passing us by at a pace I prefer not to admit. We get our routines down and day in day out we try to learn to look back while moving forward.

So, in order to spice things up – I’m throwing out a game. One of my colleagues shared this with me. I was horrified to realize this genius is something I have never before partaken in. What you need is a core group who’s “in the know.” (That’s you.) We have a key word/phrase that needs to be somehow incorporated into a meeting or presentation.

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to use the phrase SadBanana this week. Continue reading

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Winecone Wednesday – All Out Edition

I wrote it all down. And then I deleted it. Because sometimes you just need a fresh start. Or ice cream. I’ve been clicking refresh for hours now. I think I’ve reached the end of the interwebs.

<Gasp> The world is flat and it’s 72 dpi. The game is up! Continue reading

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Winecone Wednesday – Goodbye Earl Edition

Today’s winecones lack their usual hijinks and hilarity. Because some things are never ok. And sometimes it’s the silent ones who have the loudest voices.

Northern California had a very tragic weekend as far as domestic violence is concerned. Four people lost their lives – separate murder/suicides – and two toddlers were found wandering around, confused but still unaware of how their little lives have now been forever scarred by violence. Continue reading

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Winecone Wednesday – Pickin’ Wildflowers Edition

I was perusing the Twitter to collect winecones, when I came across photo of a wild iris. (Accurately captioned that Wild Iris would be a great name for a band.)

My favorite flower is the iris. Always has been. Its vibrant contrast of purple/blue and yellow emanates happiness, and I like that it symbolizes good news and luck – two items of which I am always in need. Of course, back in the day, the French monarchy decided the flower’s trademark three petals represented faith, valor and wisdom. And then branded criminals with the fleur-de-lis – which is really neither good news nor lucky for the cattle-prodded party.

So really, it was like a royal winecone. This makes the iris even cooler. Continue reading

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Wineconed Wednesday – Easter Edition

It’s Holy Week. Or, if you don’t subscribe to that particular theme of afterlife happenings, it’s just about time for CHOCOLATE BUNNIES!

Just about a decade ago (good grief did time go by quickly), my grandmother and I decided to tackle Lent together. We gave up chocolate. The night before Easter, I stayed up until midnight – watching the seconds tick by until the moment I could maim my milk chocolate rabbit and devour his ears.

I’m looking forward to those ears. That’s right – I’m staring you down golden-foiled See’s bunny. Continue reading


Wineconed Wednesday – Route 66 Edition

I’m traveling this week. I’m in Orlando – home of Walt Disney World and Harry Potter Land. And. I. Will. Not. See. Either. (Work travel – a whole winecone unto itself.)


It’s a work trip. So I have actual work to do here. I tried to convince a colleague to play hooky and experience the magic with me. He said no. I know – I was just as shocked as you are. So with a whip of my wand to conjure mouse-eared winecones at my so-close yet so-far situation – let’s get to it. Continue reading


Wineconed Wednesday – Springtime for Everyone Edition

Happy Vernal Equinox! In the Northern Hemisphere winter officially ended at 3:14 a.m. PT yesterday. Spring is here y’all!

Sunshine and the heat rebounding off the pavement. The smells of wisteria and jasmine floating overhead. Freshly cut grass and the sound of cleats on concrete. Oh yeah. I’ve got spring fever. Bad.

So of course it’s raining in California. Dear Mother Nature, you’re doing it wrong. Continue reading

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