Tag Archives: preschool

Thought Process of a Preschooler

Police Olaf

Do you want to build a snowman to help people?

Can you follow the train of thought of a preschooler?

Watch out – there are a lot of twists and turns, along with seemingly impossible leaps, ahead.

We were en route to school, well – the car was pointed in the general direction of pre-K, we weren’t actually moving due to some pretty intense traffic. (Also known as Monday.) Continue reading


It’s the Great Pumpkin, Preschool Kids

Pumpkin Patch_Jack-o-Lanturn_10-08-14

I had the week off work. So in a moment of guilt over being “that parent” (we’re the ones who never attend any of the preschool festivities), I decided it would be a wonderful idea to chaperone the pre-K excursion to the pumpkin patch – their first field trip ever.

“We’re going on a magic school bus!” their teacher enthusiastically declared. “It’s just a regular bus,” she whispered to the parents. I wasn’t sold. All the evils of a school bus combined with 60 4-year-olds? Sure sounded like a job for Mrs. Frizzle to me. Continue reading

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Wordless Wednesday: School Photos

There was once a time when school photos were relegated to the abyss of a proud grandparents wallet. Now Mommy has a blog.





Let the chaos commence.

Let the chaos commence.

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Parents You See at the Preschool Parade Pickup A-Z

We’re working on the ABCs with the muppets. As you can see, we’re missing some. But we’re moving forward – and it’s part of the ongoing curriculum at school.

Hey! There’s a teaching moment right there is for all the types of parents one may encounter at drop-off. Continue reading


What I Did Over My Summer Vacation

Kauai 2013_007

For a week I wore no pants. My makeup was the slight burn of the sun turning to tan. My hair was dried by the air and styled by the salty sea breeze. We only went indoors to sleep.

But now, it has come time to return to reality. To a world of work and preschool, where pumpkin spice lattes replacing the sweet juices of pineapple and watermelon. Continue reading

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The Incident Report


I opened the green binder to sign the boys out of school. And there was the ominous folded sheet paper.

The Xeroxed Incident/Accident report. With “Incident” prominently circled. Oh goodie. Continue reading


The Rookie (or You’re Killin’ Me Smalls!)

Shoe on Roof

You know that scene at the end of Jerry Maguire – where the little boy hurls the baseball over the fence?

Yeah. That’s my kid. Except substitute shoe and roof for the ball and fence. Continue reading


The Next Generation of Chippendales


Nap time was an adventure. Instead of cooperating, Destroy decided to strip. Continue reading

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These Hands


Destroy’s teacher sent me that photo. “Sharing the love,” she wrote.

With the blood running true blue through my veins, I replied in kind. “There is absolutely nothing ok with that photo. Oh wait…”

Continue reading


Wordless Wednesday: School Photos

Spring photos have arrived. Prepare to die of the cute.

Brothers_Spring School Photo_03-27-13




