Tag Archives: technology

Goldilocks and the Three Cases

(If you want TechMom Tuesday on Tuesdays, head on over to AlliOSNews for all things Apple. TechMom Tuesday is typically published the first Tuesday of every month. I reserve the right to rant more during happy fun techie times – such as the anticipation and receipt of my new iPhone.)

Once upon a time, there was a TechMom named Tricia (who’s never had even remotely golden locks). One day, she went for a walk through the Silicon Valley; pretty soon, she came upon a house filled with technology from One Infinite Loop.

She knocked and, when no one answered, she walked right in.

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TechMom Tuesday: The Technology Knows

(If you want TechMom Tuesday on Tuesdays, head on over to AlliOSNews for all things Apple. TechMom Tuesday is typically published the first Tuesday of every month. I reserve the right to rant more during happy fun techie times – such as the anticipation of my new iPhone.)

I stayed up. This is how dedicated I was. My boys were asleep and I was CHOOSING to stay awake.

12:01 a.m.: Apple Store. <click> Continue reading


Thought Different

*This post originally appeared on AlliOSNews.

Silicon Valley is abuzz with excitement. Today is the big day. It’s almost here.

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TechMomTuesday: Kate Spade Computer Bag Review

Welcome to Tech Mom Tuesdays!

It’s Tuesday, I’m a mom, and I’m a tech geek. I was thrilled when Clinton from AlliOSNews asked me to provide my weekly perspective. (I don’t think he quite knew what he was getting himself into – but the idea is to share how all my tech toys play out in the real world. Or at least my world.)

Here’s a sneak peek at what’s going on over there: Continue reading


Toddling Technical 2-Year-Olds

The generational gap has manifested itself in full-fledged glory this evening.

My mother and father spent the day at the Verizon store. Both were proud new owners of their very own iPhones. PapaStavo has an iPhone. GrammaJ is sending pictures of my dog nephew in an attempt to master the iPad camera.

Suddenly this Mayan prophecy thing doesn’t seem quite so wackadoo. Continue reading


AlliosNews: App Review

We’re a technical family. The pending arrival of the copy and paste command was announced via Facebook (it was totally the cool thing at the time).

And, you know, blogging the little ones entire lives. Livin’ the Silicon Valley life, yo. Continue reading

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The Little iPhone That Could

A little smartphone had a large database of apps to run.

She was a happy little phone. For she had calendars and contacts to remember. Sports stats and games. There was iBooks, Flipboard, Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn to socialize with. Instagram and Snapseed edited photos while Mail and Messages shared them with friends. Continue reading


Replete with Righteous Indignation

Back in the day, important paperwork was Xeroxed and then filed accordingly. Photos were printed and stuffed into boxes to be album-ized later (once the time was found to find the one good shot out of the 23 headless misfires).

Now it’s all digital. With the possibility of vanishing forever with a single speck of errant dust. Continue reading


Adventures Offline

“The Internet’s acting a little squirrelly,” Jon texted me yesterday afternoon.

By the time I got home, all the technology was askew. The Internet was down. So our VoIP didn’t work. And no cable to watch the baseball games. With only one tiny cell reception bar.

(AT&T – Less bars in more places. Because it’s not like I live in the heart of the Silicon Valley. Oh wait…)

Jon was at work. The boys were asleep. I felt so alone and isolated. Someone hold me? (Yeah. I know. I have an addiction.) Continue reading


Goodnight Steve

Steve Jobs: 1955-2011
Goodnight Steve. You are the Walt Disney of my generation; your magic will live on.

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