Category Archives: Work

Back to the Grind

Criminalize Decaf

Being away on business travel is a mixed blessing.

Even if the “meetings” or “conference” is held during set hours, let’s face it – when you travel for work the company owns you those days.

God bless the technology that let’s your husband send you video of your child’s first words… (Yeah. That happened. First time I ever left the little stinkers.) Continue reading


Further Proving I Should Not Have Traveling Privileges


Business trips are hard. They’re long, you’re away from home, and you have to be “on” for what feels like 24/7 (even if it’s really only 20/4).

I’ve been cavorting about in Orlando and NOT seeing the house of mouse. (Although I did get made fun of when I insisted on wearing a Ravenclaw shirt at dinner as protest for having an adult dinner discussing technology instead of playing hooky and checking out the Wizarding World of Harry Potter – but I digress.) Continue reading


TechMom Tuesday – Remind Me to Review Something…


I write a monthly column over at AlliOSNews. It’s a techie site – extolling all the goodies and gunpowder on the Apple OS. (SHINY TOY!) I’m TechMom. And these are my stories on how technology is really used. When I remember…

(I’m well aware it’s Wednesday. If you want TechMom Tuesday on Tuesdays, head on over to AlliOSNews for all things Apple. TechMom Tuesday is typically published the first Tuesday of every month; last month I forgot. So this month I reviewed reminders. I reserve the right to rant more or less as the technical goings-on, well…go on.) Continue reading

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Top Gun (or It’s a Bird! It’s a Plane! It’s…oh. Yeah, it’s a plane)


I was sitting at my desk, plunking away at my keyboard like a good little worker bee when my boss appeared in my cube.

“Whatcha doing tonight?”

Bracing myself for the worst, but thinking if I had to work late I’d at least get to eat warm food that hadn’t been pawed by tiny peeps (because I was totally going to demand to be fed – corporate America and toddlers, not so different really), I asked why. Continue reading


How Do You Do It?


I get this question a lot. The truth is I have no idea. We don’t know anything other than energy-intensive twin boys. JUST DO IT! <Nike swoosh. ©>

However, this response typically elicits a sympathetic pity smile.

So. The reality: Continue reading


TechMom Tuesday: The Day the Email Died

I write a monthly column over at AlliOSNews. It’s a techie site – extolling all the goodies and gunpowder on the Apple OS. (SHINY TOY!) I’m TechMom. And these are my stories on how technology is really used. This month I my corporate mail stopped functioning. I had a tantrum.  

(I’m well aware it’s Wednesday. If you want TechMom Tuesday on Tuesdays, head on over to AlliOSNews for all things Apple. TechMom Tuesday is typically published the first Tuesday of every month. I reserve the right to rant more or less as the technical goings-on, well…go on. Also, don’t miss the AlliOS editor-in-chief’s addendum to this month’s piece.)  Continue reading

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Because Mommy is Apparently Still a Threat to National Security

Friday afternoon I sat across from my punk ass colleague dear friend who had been with me on my prior…um… encounter with HOMELAND SECURITY. He decided it was necessary to regale everyone else who happened to be sitting in the company conference corraller with my story. (But who am I to judge – I AM posting these delightful anecdotes for the world to see.)

“Don’t forget socks,” he concluded smugly. Continue reading


Professional Mommy Style

Today I was faced with a detrimental project problem at work. I looked down the length the conference table and announced, “Make it work!” Because there is really no situation that cannot benefit from the sage advice of fashion guru Tim Gunn.

I was met with a silent host of blank stares. I realized I was surrounded by computer engineers. This was quite clearly my most impressive Know Your Audience fail yet. Continue reading

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Thought Different

*This post originally appeared on AlliOSNews.

Silicon Valley is abuzz with excitement. Today is the big day. It’s almost here.

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Blogging for the Love of It

I just got all caught up on HBO’s Newsroom. Mind. Blown. Love that show – passion, power and general awesomeness. You see, 20 years ago I saw the movie Broadcast News and decided that would one day be me. I was going to tell stories.

As the media landscape changes at breakneck speed, I’ve seen op eds decrying the death of news and broadcast media. Steve Tobak of CBS recently tackled the question “Is ‘Do What You Love’ Good Career Advice?”

Now, I don’t claim to be an expert (I only have two degrees in communication studies), but isn’t that what we bloggers do? Storytelling. Granted, this blog isn’t what I do for a living, but the concept sure is close. Continue reading