Category Archives: Work

One of the Many Voices: A BlogHer12 Recap

#BlogHer12 was trending nationally on Twitter and it may have seemed like the entire Internet was at the world’s largest blogging conference. So who were all of these women who were able to drop everything and fly across the country (after finding time to pack) for a BLOGGING conference? (I mean, come on – it’s blogging.)

5,000 women descended upon the New York Hilton for the grand carnival of discussing the craft of spewing ones thoughts into the digital ether. Continue reading


Good Idea. Bad Idea. A Tale of Customer Service

Good idea:

As you read this, I am en route to the Big Apple, the Empire State, my NY state of mind – New York City.

Obviously I needed new shoes. (Don’t judge me. How else am I going to make it through security?) Despite my affinity for 4-inch heels, I was recently introduced to Tieks shoes – foldable designer flats that fit in your purse for when the heels just aren’t going to cut it anymore.

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TechMomTuesday: Kate Spade Computer Bag Review

Welcome to Tech Mom Tuesdays!

It’s Tuesday, I’m a mom, and I’m a tech geek. I was thrilled when Clinton from AlliOSNews asked me to provide my weekly perspective. (I don’t think he quite knew what he was getting himself into – but the idea is to share how all my tech toys play out in the real world. Or at least my world.)

Here’s a sneak peek at what’s going on over there: Continue reading


League of Their Own: Dickheads

What are little boys made of?
Snips and snails, and puppy dogs tails
That’s what little boys are made of!

What are little girls made of?
Sugar and spice and all things nice
That’s what little girls are made of!

You know the stereotypes.

Boys – vocal and violent – the feared fifth-grader beating up the first-grader for his lunch money.
Girls – quiet and subversive – a best friend suddenly turning on another, sabotaging friendships with silent but knowing looks. Continue reading


Updated: The Writer’s Collaborative

I like to think of myself somewhat as a humor blogger. You know – the highlights of the headaches and hilarity involved in raising tiny twins.

This got me thinking.

Many of my featured pieces are decidedly less than humorous. Continue reading


Schools Out…FOREVER

School’s out forever
School’s out for summer
School’s out with fever
School’s out completely

Most kids look forward to summer vacation with gleeful abandon. The shuck off the shackles of structured classrooms to run wild and dirty under the sun. Graduation marks the conclusion of one chapter as people transition to adulthood.

To face the Real World.

GrammaJ graduated today. Finally. After 35 years. Continue reading


How to Approach the Mommy Blogger

I was recently approached by a PR agency with a few questions about approaching/working with Mommy Bloggers. “Thought you might have some insight into how YOU prefer to be contacted by us annoying agency folk,” the request began.

Now, lest you think I’m about to flame flacks and get all haughty about being targeted thanks to my Voices of the Year recognition, I’ll just go ahead and faceplant right on over that high horse and remind you – I work in PR. I know the people asking. And I like them. I am one of them. Continue reading


What Happens in Vegas

Did you miss me this week? I was off in Sin City. Another year, another tradeshow in Vegas.

Last year while I was gone, Destroy said “mama” for the first time. (He didn’t really know what he was saying – it was more the syllable construction, but that totally still counts.) Another trip around the sun, and this time he arose at 4 a.m. to scream “Mommmeeee.” (Although, I’m not entirely convinced he knows the difference between Jon and me in terms of that title.)

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Anti-Social Social Mediator

I have oft been accused of always having my nose in my phone. I assure you, I can stop whenever I want. (I just don’t want to.)

In fact, just the other day, I went a good three hours between playing with electronic devices. (Granted, this was the first half of a cross-country flight at 6 a.m. and I promptly activated an iPad to watch a movie when I woke up.) Continue reading


This is My Life

As you know, when I’m in my working mommy mode, I live the glamorous life of chic PR chick. (Ha. Ha.) Today I had an event.

In the city.

Yay. Continue reading