Category Archives: Humor

Parents You See at the Preschool Parade Pickup A-Z

We’re working on the ABCs with the muppets. As you can see, we’re missing some. But we’re moving forward – and it’s part of the ongoing curriculum at school.

Hey! There’s a teaching moment right there is for all the types of parents one may encounter at drop-off. Continue reading


Discussing the Future of Public Safety on a Saturday Morning

dispatch logo-s

This sunny Saturday morning saw the following discussion in the roles public safety professionals play in our lives.

Also, Jon will be teaching Destroy how to drive.

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Inability to Focus


“You have a problem focusing,” the doctor informed me.

Well thank you Captain Obvious. Just call me Doug the Dog from “Up.” SQUIRREL!

I live with preschoolers – two of them. The cumulative attention span of our entire household equals that of a near-sighted goldfish.  Continue reading

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Mission Debrief: Bedtime

Mission Debrief

This mission is not for the faint of heart.

Objective: Get children into bed for duration of the night.
Subjects: Two (2) 3-year-olds, highly skilled in art of stalling. Continue reading


Up Shit Creek with only a Single Pack of Pampers Sensitive Wipes (or a day in the life of potty training twins)


Morning begins with a cry for Mama (oh who are we kidding – the cry is for waffles). One of the little men is awake. Except he doesn’t want to get out of bed. (Maybe if he hides under the covers no one will notice him.)

The adult of the house least able to feign sleep entreats the sleeping muppet to get up and get dressed. The real motive behind such excitement to start the day? No one knows how well the Nighttime Pull-up has held up against the unwilling bladder of a 3-year-old.

To the potty! Continue reading

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Reaction to the Rain

We live in California; our golden state is known for it’s glorious sunshine and lack of rain. Except it totally does rain here.

(Born and raised in Southern California I grew accustomed to panicked news reports about The Drought, interspersed by STORM WATCH news reports of the occasional flash flood. Then I moved to Northern California just in time for El Nino and spent the winter trying to convince my college roommate that we should forgo our studies to build an ark despite the location of our dorm on the 11th floor of the building.) Continue reading

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Down and Dirty Preschool Pickup

White Flag

Preschool pickup could have gone better today. Read ahead at your own risk.

I got the day’s rundown when I went to sign the boys out. “Destroy’s in a pull-up because he asked for one to poop in.” Hey! That’s great! Smooth sailing sign out and just another day for the books.

If only that were the end. Continue reading


The Nerdiness of Boobs


August is National Breastfeeding Month (or so my Facebook tells me) so I thought what better than to titillate you with a post about boobs. (Pun totally intended.)

Boobs. Let’s face it, they’re a subject adored by many. Including, apparently, my darling tot who’s taken to reading the catalog at an early age. Continue reading

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The Oregon Trail (or crossing California with tiny people)


As we celebrated the birth of our nation this past holiday weekend, I thought it only appropriate to harken back to the days of yore. To revisit a significant period in our nation’s history and perhaps discuss the impact it has on us today.

I am, of course, referring to the late 1980s when oodles of children sat at their Apple IIgs’ and played Oregon Trail from Disc 1 of 2 they’d just inserted into the floppy drive. Continue reading


Energy of Little Monsters


June 21, 2013

Victoria Gross
Monsters University

Dear President Gross: Continue reading