Category Archives: Humor

Reality of the Dreaded Elf on the Shelf


Elf on the Shelf.

The phrase that strikes dread into the hearts of so many, while eliciting utter glee from others (of a much younger age). You know the type.

Regardless, this past decade transformed December into an elfin pictorial bonanza where we’re either bombarded by daily pics of insane creativity and waiflike mischief or pleas for a Facebook blocker. (The latter of which has become it’s own sport of griping.) Continue reading

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Octopus Crime


Nana brought a bunch of vintage Transformer toys over. (Toys really were cooler when we were kids.)

In any case, Search and Destroy both have full-blown Transformer fever. The symptoms of which are best represented by constant bickering over which is deemed “the coolest toy” of the moment. Continue reading

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Breakdown of a T-ball Practice

Tball_Game 3_03-21-15_12

Curse at whoever came up with the terribad idea of parallel parking. Repeatedly thank deities it wasn’t required on the driving exam or you wouldn’t be able to drive tiny peoples to T-ball practice.

Encourage tiny peeps to RUN RUN RUN across the field to join their team for practice. But not through the middle of the big kids game in progress… Continue reading

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The Story of Santa


‘Tis the season. And so the muppets explained the story of the Fat Man to me. Continue reading

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Communication Confusion and When 94 is a Flunking Grade


I was just finishing up a project after spending the wee hours of the morning driving down to Gramma and Papa’s house. I signed off, “Without further ado…”

“Don’t you mean adieu?” inquired Gramma J.

Did I? Ah, mother. “When you depart from me sorrow abides and happiness takes his leave.” (Apparently from Shakespeare’s “Much Adieu About Nothing.”) Perhaps this called for a song to appropriately end a conversation of such foolish or unnecessary talk. “So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, adieu. Ado, adieu, to yieu and yieu and yooo…”

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If You Give Silicon Valley a Starbucks

Silicon Valley Starbucks

We’ve been reading a lot of the “If You Give a Mouse a Cookie” series. A lot. Enough to make me realize that real life is just as circular. Continue reading

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Pre-K Problems


It’s rough out there for the preschool big kids. There’s a lot to live up to. But sometimes, there are problems only the pre-k’ers can truly understand. Continue reading

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High School Never Ends


Have you ever wondered what the heck your preschooler is obsessing over? It may be a Disney Jr. show (and accompanying characters).

Below is a handy reference guide to the current on-demand of shows to watch ad nauseam. For adult clarification and understanding, the house of mouse offerings are categorized according to typical high school stereotypes*. Continue reading

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Con te partirò (Time to say goodbye)


When I’m alone
 I dream on the horizon
 and words fail;
yes, I know there is no light
 in a room where the sun is absent,
if you are not with me, with me.
At the windows 
show everyone my heart
 which you set alight;
enclose within me 
the light you
 encountered on the street.

What was once something taken for granted became something special; a time to look forward to became something needed. Continue reading


Dating in the ‘Burbs


Dating is usually pretty stressful. And at this age, things can be even more complicated. There are many pieces to the puzzle – many components to sort before success.

  • How do you let someone know you’re interested in spending more time together?
  • How do you get to know someone’s family?
  • How do you tell if someone wants to play with you again?

But play dates are a staple of suburban childhood these days. Continue reading

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