Category Archives: Hospital

Odds Are


Struck by lightning, sounds pretty frightening
But you know the chances are so small
Stuck by a bee sting, nothing but a B-thing
Better chance you’re gonna bite it at the mall
But it’s a twenty-three four-to-one
That you can fall in love by the end of this song
So get up, get up
Tell the bookie put a bet on “not a damn thing will go wrong”

If we put the odds of dying from any and all possible causes at a 1:1 ratio – because let’s face it, life is fleeting and all our candles will snuffed out in the blink of an eye in terms of time on this teacup ride – odds are we’re gonna be alright for another night. Continue reading


Inability to Focus


“You have a problem focusing,” the doctor informed me.

Well thank you Captain Obvious. Just call me Doug the Dog from “Up.” SQUIRREL!

I live with preschoolers – two of them. The cumulative attention span of our entire household equals that of a near-sighted goldfish.  Continue reading

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The Incident (or Baby’s First Emergency Room Visit)

ER Sign

It took three and a half years. We experienced our first Emergency Room visit.

Ok, technically it’s only been three years due to that whole extended hospital stay and resulting paranoid ER runs due to a wheezy case of the sniffles. (Which I steadfastly maintain is actually prudent preemie preservation.) Continue reading


Radioactive Dad (or when cancer makes you a superhero)

Note from Jon:
To those of you that I work with or are friends with and are hearing about this for the first time, I want you to know it’s not because you weren’t important enough to find out or even that it was a big secret. I didn’t tell a lot of people because of the gut reaction people have when they hear the word “cancer.” Having done all the research and knowing that it would all work out fine, I chose to handle this privately rather than unnecessarily place the burden of worrying on people. I’m sorry if I may have hurt feelings. This was the choice I made because to me the whole thing was just a bump in the road and not anywhere close to the gravity of the issues that other people deal with, even within my workplace.  For those of you that knew and offered help and support, we thank you. 

Brothers_With Dad

Cancer. The word strikes fear into the hearts of many. But it’s so broad, diverse. And thanks to medical research and innovation, the C word is much more likely to be a chronic (treatable) disease as opposed to a death sentence. Continue reading


Nothing Quite Like Curling Up Under a Warm Blanket

NICU Blankets There really is nothing like the comfort of curling up under a warm blanket on a cold winter’s night. (Granted, I live in California, so those cold winter nights may still be somewhat of a novelty.)

However, the tiny warriors in our local NICU are on the verge of experiencing a blanket shortage. I am asking for your help. Continue reading

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Neonatal Nurses Day 2013

Before I Die

Sunday, Sept. 15, was National Neonatal Nurses Day. They deserve a day. The infant mortality rate can be a measure of a nation’s health and social condition. So these amazing people really do hold the world in their hands. Continue reading

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These Hands


Destroy’s teacher sent me that photo. “Sharing the love,” she wrote.

With the blood running true blue through my veins, I replied in kind. “There is absolutely nothing ok with that photo. Oh wait…”

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Most Likely to Inspire You To Change The World… even just a little

Wait – what? Who the hell is Jack?

It was April 2010. I was in the Mom/Baby unit. Room 39 I think (I was the guest of many variations of whatever number it was).

I was lying semi-upright in my newly prescribed bedrest position. Jon was with me. We were waiting for the doctor. I didn’t know when I’d get to go home. I’d been on that hospital third floor for four days and counting – ever since my “routine” checkup revealed that something was amiss, contractions were not Braxton-Hicks, and the muppets were in danger of making a very early arrival. Continue reading


The Psycho Quiz

Last week I had to make a return trip to the psychiatrist. Every now and then the docs like to re-evaluate my medication to keep me from going completely crazy. Since it was my first visit with this particular MD, I had to fill out the anxiety/depression questionnaire. Continue reading


Return to Department 390

Warning: This post may contain a dose of TMI for the feint of heart. I had tiny twins. I have no modesty left. Read at your own risk.

I had a doctor’s appointment last week. I was drug seeking. The time had come to seek birth control. Continue reading