Winecone Wednesday – Measure Twice Cut Once Edition

Fear not. I didn’t forget this week. But I was preoccupied with the furniture.

I’m doing this writer thing now. So I decided it was time for a new office setup. A nice cozy writers enclave to craft my well told stories (and throw winecones). Pottery Barn desk I’ve coveted for 10 years – thou art mine!

Except, well, I didn’t measure the dimensions correctly. So while I got everything all set up (and it TOTALLY looks adorable), it didn’t really go together with the ease I had imagined, which then led to having to redo the husband’s section of the office.

And also the cleaning people were coming this morning so we had to clean the house for them. Husband was thrilled. Oops. (Did I mention it totally looks like a professional, and maybe even successful, writer lives there?)

So remember. Measure twice. Cut once. Or at least measure twice and order correctly.

Ok – let’s get this over with. Yeah, yeah, yeah – winecones at me for redoing the office, surprising my significant other with 876 boxes in the entryway. (In my defense, and I have the bruises to prove it, I put my desk together myself.)

And of course, the obligatory winecone for missing the morning coning due to being sorely exhausted from an intense furniture argument. (I am referring to the actual furnishings, which were surprisingly heavier than anticipated and apparently fight back.)


Winecone the winecones. I don’t get them. They’re dumb. So I just don’t read on Wednesdays.

Editor’s note: So, you know that by wineconing the winecones you’re actually participating in Winecone Wednesday? Right? Just sayin’… So. Winecone at you. Not cool. And also, I’m not sharing my wine.


Winecones at Circumstance. Timing. Distance. And the inability to teleport or overcome unavailability.

Editor’s note: A past, present and future winecone at the inability to teleport. I think the capability to stop time like Out of This World (don’t lie – you totally put your fingers together and tried to pause time when the alarm goes off) would solve a lot of the issues underlying wineconable offenses. So a glass of wine to you, with you. Let us commiserate circumstance, timing and distance together.

Because I can’t resist, a smackaroo to all you out there who think you’re too cool for winecones. You’re totally not and I love you anyway.

So there.

A collective group hug and glass of wine for us all.

‘Till next week, winecones and kisses!

*Leave your Winecones in the comments or email us at or and we’ll add yours next week!

PS. This your first wineconing? Welcome. Grab a glass and click here for an explanation of what in name of Jeebus’ we’re talking about.


Filed under A Nervous Tic Motion, Wineconed Wednesdays

2 Responses to Winecone Wednesday – Measure Twice Cut Once Edition

  1. Joanne Hamann

    Oh, we need pics of the new office!

    PS I just love Winecone Wednesday teacher! (figured if I really wanted to be a guest blogger I’d better kiss up!)

  2. Today – Winecones for people who own big dogs and don’t bother to get them any obedience training. (I’m dogsitting. The big one has already chewed up a fly-swatter, the corner of a yoga mat, and my library book. Bad words were thought.)