Then and Now

Happy second birthday, Muppets.





Filed under Baby Photos, Birthday, Destroy, Search

3 Responses to Then and Now

  1. Joanne Hamann

    Precious, unbelievable – wow! What a difference 2 years makes – they are tough cookies indeed!

  2. Gramma j

    In Chinese astrology, they are Metal Tigers, Powerhouses of energy, and allTiger charm. And Tigers never sit still!
    Watch out for these noble and fearless guys! They are growing so big and strong!

  3. Jen

    Look at how far they’ve come! You probably have already, but take a moment to celebrate your own accomplishments right along with theirs. My best friend has boy-girl twins that arrived very, very early and have similar picture progressions. The dynamic duo, who will be finishing fourth grade this week, were tough little fighters, but their parents were as well. These pictures were yet another reminder of how ridiculously fast it goes. My own daughter officially wraps up elementary school this week, finishing fifth grade.

    Parenting is definitely a bittersweet job.