Category Archives: Work

The Mommy Wars

CubicleViews proffered up a post about his adventures as a Stay at Home Mom for a day. It proved busy – but it did end with cookies – so he’s got that going for him.

This got me thinking about the ongoing mommy wars. The socialsphere continues to rage in a civil war of working moms vs. SAHMs. Babble recently posted an article, 10 Things Never to Say to a Working Mother.

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What I Do…

You may have seen the “What I Do” meme floating around. I saw Professors, Stay-at-Home Moms, Stage Managers, IT peoples. But no PR. And if ever there was a profession where people give you blank stares, it’s mine.

So I made one.


Career Goals

Happy Bloggiversary to me! Stream of the Conscious turns 2 today.

Feb. 2, 2010, I announced to a readership of, well, me, that I was pregnant. This was going to be just one of the many “look at how cute my kid is” blogs with cheesy photos of a round me holding a onesie by my side at a baby shower. How droll.

Yeah. I didn’t see those plot twists coming either. Continue reading


Wineconed Wednesday – Wine and Whiskey Edition

Are you reading A Nervous Tic Motion Yet? You should be. I write a weekly column there – Wineconed Wednesdays. You know you want to throw some. And I would really love for you to join in!

And don’t hesitate to check out the other awesome sites who participated this week  – CubicleViews and Cajun Asian Chronicles. It’s all about the link love here people. Plus, they’re funny as all get out.

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I Swore I’d Never Do This

Here’s the deal. I work in PR before coming home to wow you all as a mommy blogger.

Most of you (with the exception of a few former-agency friends *waves at Edelman*) have absolutely no idea what I do. This includes the people who raised me, married me, and the vast majority of people who currently work with me. Continue reading

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Goodnight Steve

Steve Jobs: 1955-2011
Goodnight Steve. You are the Walt Disney of my generation; your magic will live on.

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Finding Time for the Nervous Breakdown I Deserve – A Sing-Along

I thought I’d do something a little different for this foray into the naked truth of Mommyhood. Let’s have a Sing-Along! (Luckily for you, this blog is a written medium – those who know me will promptly attest to my tone-deafness.)

Like all perfectly normal sane people, I often find myself racing through days thinking, “Wouldn’t it be cool if my life had a soundtrack?” So, without further ado let’s all join in a rousing rendition of my theme song, “Frantic, by Jamie O’Neal.” Continue reading


New York State of Mind

The sun set somewhere in Connecticut. The scenery whizzing by through the train windows faded from lush green landscapes along the countryside into darkness. Then, as we closed in on our destination, the New York City skyline rose up from the twilight. The bright lights illuminated the busy bustling city and my two-dimensional vantage point framed the iconic buildings as natural as an Ansel Adams photo. Continue reading


Hello City

5 states. 4 days. 3 hotels. 2 red-eyes. 1 very exhausted me. I hit the East Coast for a business trip last week. What a ride. Hello city!

I took the red-eye flight out of San Jose into Boston. It turned out to be a pretty uneventful flight. When I stumbled into Hotel #1 at 6 a.m., the employees were altogether far too chipper for me. “Can we get you some coffee, a paper? Perhaps some water?” I think I smiled. I don’t really remember. I just wanted the key to my room.

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Hahvad Yahd

I’m in Boston. (One if by land, two if by sea!) It’s a work thing.

Today, we got lost. (I know – you’re shocked.) Tonight, I am exhausted. Tomorrow, stories will follow.  Continue reading

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