Category Archives: Search

The Hat Trick

Well, I walked right into that one. I posted on Facebook this morning,

“Dear Muppets,
2 days, 2 incident reports. Can we at least attempt to avoid the trifecta?
Love, Mom.”

My bad.

We hit the trifecta. At least it’s dispersed between children? Continue reading


It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown

It’s all Hallows Eve. Day of the Dead. Children hide themselves within cute and clever costumes (except for a slew of teenagers that showed up at my house). They go door to door in search of fun-sized candy – threatenng tricks to those who dare to proffer raisins or toothbrushes. (Seriously! Who does that?!)

And this year, I have toddlers. So it was with tremendous pride that the muppets cleverly disguised themselves as muppets. Kermit and Fozzie Bear hit the town tonight. Continue reading


The Rainbow Connection

I got a message from my cousin yesterday – she’d found The Muppets: The Green Album. Along with deliciously caffeinated overpriced coffee-like drinks, Starbucks is also selling hipster music albums these days.

How could I pass up THE MUPPETS? “An assortment of today’s top artists put a twist on familiar selections from The Muppet songbook.” Continue reading



Search has a new word. “Ball.” He is very proud of his new linguistic acquisition.

This morning, both boys came toddling into the bedroom together where I was getting ready for work. They were giggling and babbling incoherently to one another. (I’m pretty sure they were plotting some intricate mischief.) I had to take a step back just to watch their interaction. Time passes so quickly. Continue reading



The muppets have been in daycare for a month. Three days into this adventure, they got the sniffles. “It’s gonna come quick and it’s gonna hit hard,” their teacher warned.

Early this week, a clingy Search was deposited in Daddy’s arms. “He’s a little toasty and he just doesn’t seem himself,” the teachers informed us. Continue reading


Where’s Spot?

Someone seriously needs to get that dog micro chipped.

Sally (Spot’s mom) is obviously feeding him diet kibble. When we had to put our chocolate lab Bailey on a diet, he wasn’t too fond of the food either. This may explain our beloved pup’s disappearance at dinnertime. Continue reading


The Next Steve Jobs

Checking my messages.

We’re Silicon Valley people. We announced the impending arrival of the muppets via a popular social channel of today. At birth, the muppets immediately embraced the tiniest technology available to them.

Their love of electronics has not diminished.
Continue reading


Transition to Toddlerhood

My demarcation line between “baby” and “little boy” has always been toddlerhood. Toddlers are WAY bigger than babies. They’re like little people.

Well, look how far we’ve come from Tiny. This morning I found myself grunting as I heaved Destroy into his car seat – such typical mom behavior that I couldn’t even fathom a year ago. Last year, after the cause celebres arrived home, I could write a blog post with my laptop on my lap (shocking place for it, I know) and have Destroy lying on my chest – with no feelings of overcrowding or “don’t burn the baby with a hot electronic device.” Continue reading

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Babies First Haircut

The lady stared at the side-by-side double stroller for a good 30 seconds, making silly faces at the muppets. Suddenly she looked up. “You have two!” she exclaimed. Congratulations stranger lady, you can count. She resumed cooing. “Boy and a girl?” she asked casually.

Negative ghostwriter. Continue reading

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Swim Meet

Shhh…don’t tell Dad or GrampaStavo, but there may be another athletic endeavor in the picture.

At home we’ve been practicing throwing (as Destroy fires a Lego block into his cubby drawer WITH AUTHORITY) to hone our baseball skills (is anything hotter than a left-handed pitcher). But, as we haven’t yet determined handed-ness, we’re also working on passing the larger ball back and forth (we’re very good at headers) to see if they’re more adept at kicking a soccer-size ball. But, as they can’t even walk steadily yet, we may need to hold off on that sport too. Continue reading

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