Category Archives: Miscellaneous

Toddler Tactics of Evasion


My militaristic-type friends (by which I mean veterans of our armed forces) have shared that the tactics needed for escape and evasion are known as “SURVIVAL.” And it appears my future paratroopers were born with Man vs. Wild style instincts inherently embedded in their tiny fighting spirits.

At their present age, such methods are generally invoked against bathtime (apparently germs are to two-year-olds as long luxurious hair was to Solomon’s power) or bedtime (because no toddler has ever admitted to being tired in the history of evolution – the first rule of toddler sleepy time; NEVER MENTION BEING SLEEPY). Continue reading

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Diagram of a Frigid Room


It’s been freezing. At least at night. The heater in our house is set to a chilly 65 fire-up, ever since I had a tantrum and staged a one-woman war against PG&E. Outside there was even hail. That is frozen rain. (Shut up all you non-Californians who have actually experienced snow/sleet/freezing rain.)

And also my feet were freezing; therefore it was cold. Continue reading


A Musical Muppet Interlude

Because sometimes you love garbage trucks so much, you just have to stop and sing about it.


Through the Eyes of a Child

The following conversation just happened:

Search: <singing> ITSY SPIDER! ITSY SPIDER

Me: Oh! Are we singing Itsy Bitsy Spider? <I start singing.>

Destroy: No, mommy. Continue reading


Big Boy Beds

Yesterday morning, when we went to raise our little apocalyptic horsemen from their angelic slumber, we discovered Destroy perfecting his pommel horse routine upon the railing of his crib.

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Multiple Choice

School’s back in session. The clean crisp notebooks are just beginning to show stress on those wire binds. The intoxicating scent of ink bleeding into the pulpy pages still emanates every time you hear that magical crack of a textbook spine. And Bic has even made a special pen – just for my fairer sex! (Oh read the comments. You won’t be disappointed.

What’s that? Kids these days don’t take pen to paper and read Chapters 1-3 of the state approved textbook (copyright 1992)? GET OFF MY LAWN.

It’s Friday. And when I was a young whippersnapper, that generally meant a pop quiz. Inconceivable! Continue reading


The Happiest Place on Earth (Except for Mile 12 When You Hate Everyone)

*Disclaimer. The clock time in that Mile 12 photo is the actual race time. Not my time. Subtract 45 minutes for my time. Because I started the race in corral F. And we had to wait for A-E to go first. Clearly they were slow.

At 9:30 a.m. yesterday morning I reflected upon my day. I had already run 13.1 miles.

“Why?” inquired a concerned cousin. “Were you in grave danger?”

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When Music is a Memory

Music does things to people. There’s a reason we all wish our lives had a soundtrack. (No? Just me? I feel mine should have a mostly piano backing.)

It can take you back to places from the past. The peppy up-tempo numbers can enhance a good mood or calm you down when you need to relax. Some songs make me think of certain people or situations. Continue reading


Blogging for the Love of It

I just got all caught up on HBO’s Newsroom. Mind. Blown. Love that show – passion, power and general awesomeness. You see, 20 years ago I saw the movie Broadcast News and decided that would one day be me. I was going to tell stories.

As the media landscape changes at breakneck speed, I’ve seen op eds decrying the death of news and broadcast media. Steve Tobak of CBS recently tackled the question “Is ‘Do What You Love’ Good Career Advice?”

Now, I don’t claim to be an expert (I only have two degrees in communication studies), but isn’t that what we bloggers do? Storytelling. Granted, this blog isn’t what I do for a living, but the concept sure is close. Continue reading


The Seven Deadly Sins of Motherhood (or why we’re all going to hell)

This is not a sponsored post. I just really like the wine. And sometimes it’s necessary.

Disclaimer: This is a blasphemous post. I know this. I am familiar with my catechism. But whether you devoutly attend mass every first Friday or worship at the altar of the great spaghetti monster, this is meant as humor. Please don’t send me angry hate mail telling me I’m going to hell. I already know this. That’s the point of this post. Continue reading