Category Archives: Hospital


The muppets have been in daycare for a month. Three days into this adventure, they got the sniffles. “It’s gonna come quick and it’s gonna hit hard,” their teacher warned.

Early this week, a clingy Search was deposited in Daddy’s arms. “He’s a little toasty and he just doesn’t seem himself,” the teachers informed us. Continue reading


Like a *REAL* Writer

This is Mommyhood is the mother of a manic toddler. She’s an anxious, depressed giant book nerd. And her little hummingbird on crack (man, that nickname even beats the muppets) even did a stint in the NICU.

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Happy Homecomings

What a difference a year makes.

Home. A year ago Saturday that was my post. Destroy came home from the NICU on August 6. Tomorrow, August 9, is the anniversary of Search’s homecoming. Continue reading


Tiny Notoriety

It’s probably fair to say that every mother worries about her children.

Are they meeting their developmental milestones? Am I doing everything I can for them? What more can I do to ensure they fully cultivate their little inner geniuses (because clearly my children are brilliant). Continue reading

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When Talking to Parents of Tiny People

Earlier this month, I came across an article imploring people to think before they speak when talking to preemie parents. The author was mortified that someone close to her had called her two-month premature son a “monkey baby.” As such, a community of preemie parents had banded together to create a list of the Top Ten Things Not to Say to Parents of Preemies. Continue reading


See Spot(s)

Destroy is polka dotted.

When I got home from work this afternoon, Mary Poppins Holly mentioned that little Destroy had a bit of a rash – and it was spreading. Continue reading



Maxwell Carter Harrison

Maxwell Carter was born last Sunday at a healthy 6lbs. 12oz. He was full term. I couldn’t wait to meet him; and I was thrilled with the prospect of seeing a newborn without any wires.

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High Risk Pediatrics

Normally, when the hint of a germ invades the house, I immediately revert to paranoid mommy mode (from within my Lysol wipes bubble of course). When Destroy began exhibiting signs of a stuffy nose on Monday I was calmer than usual. We had a doctors appointment on Tuesday morning.

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The Spa Maternitee

When I was on bedrest lockdown, I received an email from my Momm2 (my college roommate’s mother) reminding me to really own my situation.

As a follow up to this week’s tips to navigate the NICU, here are some tips to relax should you find yourself on bedrest in baby jail – or on an unexpected stay in a medically-staffed sterile resort.

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Mommy Unplugged

Normal is a state of mind. On Tuesday, I went to speak on a panel about the NICU and hospital stays. The meeting was actually on Wednesday, so mommy-brain spent the remainder of the week following me around laughing.

As the muppets’ first birthday races toward us, our days in the NICU seem to fade further into the past. But the roller coaster of emotions is something that isn’t going to ever fully leave me.

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