Category Archives: Health

Wyatt the Warrior and His Spots

Wyatt Warrior

Wyatt’s older brother, Jackson, (a mere 2 months older than the muppets) stood at the window to the NICU. “This sucks. This is how I met my sister.” But Wyatt wouldn’t be in the NICU for long (at a full-term 8 pounds he seemed a giant among Lilliputians) because he was quickly being prepared for a move to isolation.

No one was sure what was wrong with him. Continue reading


Inserting Logic Where It Doesn’t Belong


Search and Destroy have reached the age where their primary goal in life is to end their brother.

I remember this phase. I still bear the scars from where my own brother and I bashed each other in the face with Lego bricks. We spent a great many hours as best friends before reverting to mortal enemies in the blink of an eye – obviously required to engage in a physical battle to the death. (In adulthood, we are once again friends.)

My offspring are also now of an age where we are trying to instill the ideals of personal responsibility – reward and consequence. Continue reading

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Monsters on the Wall


I heard moaning and the distinct floor creeks announcing the urgent pitter-patter of little feet racing toward me. When I blearily looked at the clock red fuzzy lines across my room, they formed somewhat of a 4 a.m. shape.

“Ah! Ah! Ah! I hafta go pee pee!!!” a potty-dancing Destroy whimpered. He darted into the bathroom and I waved him back to bed with a hug. I thought that was the end of that.

It wasn’t. Continue reading

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Bumps and Bruises To Be Expected


The forecast called for rain. And the California morning had proven rather gloomy. But muppets were going stir crazy. It was mission critical to get them out of the house to expend some of the pent up energy boiling over.

Destroy had knocked all the couch cushions to the floor and was leaping from pillow to pillow in an effort to wreak as much chaos as possible. Continue reading

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Hospital Clinic of Horrors


Just in time for Halloween, many people are search out the creepy and macabre. Fright fests and haunted houses – all for the quick thrill of an elevated heart rate while you try to catch your breath.

Forget the zombies, ghouls, goblins and ghosts; never mind the dilapidated abandoned asylum. Looking to traumatize your tiny people? Bring them on down to the recently renovated hospital on pediatric flu shot clinic day. Continue reading

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Case of the Broken Tail


Scout’s tail never stops moving. In full “love the one you’re with” Labrador enthusiasm, his otter tail is always thwacking his excitement.

I grew up in a Southern California desert canyon <cue ominous Wild West whistling> fueled by the fire of 1,000 suns.

It is a death valley of its own kind for lizards and lawns alike. My parents’ house has plant potters housing baby palm trees. Lizards scale the basket – lured by the mirage of water amid the cool 95-degree autumn afternoons. Cacti stand in mocking triumph over the fallen. Continue reading

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What Goes Up, Must Come Down

ER Selfie

ER Selfie

I hope you all enjoyed the holiday weekend. We celebrated with baby boy’s first concussion.

You’re thinking I already shared this post. Wrong kid. And no stairs this time. Continue reading

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Care and Consideration of Loveies


“Elle is my friend,” is a common refrain heard around of my house.

Elle is an elephant – well, a stuffed elephant atop a soft grey baby blanket. She also goes by the name “Shaking Elle” due to the embedded rattle in her head. Basically she’s a newborn comfort blanket in animal form.

A well-loved lovey. Continue reading

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This Too Shall Pass (or death to germs)


‘Tis the season. The tail end of cold and flu that is. As well as the cornerstone of spring – a time that I’ve spent the past four years battling the demons of “what if.”

And then something amazing happened. Continue reading


Chill Out (or an over-analysis of anxiety attacks)

Anxiety Girl

Many bloggers talk openly about their struggles with anxiety and depression. I am one of them. But have you ever wondered what exactly they’re talking about?

Have you ever had an argument with someone you care about? One where you mentally plan out how the conversation will go but they stubbornly refuse to stick to the script you created for them?

An anxiety attack is when it’s your own mind serving as your sparring partner. And it is a brilliant orator, curating a compilation of every possible scenario – all the while convincing you to make a hard left when life is quite obviously to your right. Continue reading