Destroy was determined to be one of the ringleaders in the (now-quelled) preschool nap rebellion. (I maintain this shows fabulous leadership potential.) Our hero was spirited off to the Chateau D’If to serve out his sentence. (Ok fine, he got moved to another classroom where there were less small people to incite.)
So coincidence or no that this was also the first week the little men transitioned to Big Boy beds? You decide.
Today was the first Big Boy bed nap attempt. Ladies and gentlemen – the sheen is far dulled during daylight hours. Continue reading
Toddler Stream of Conscious
Stream of consciousness refers to the uninhibited flow of sense‐perceptions, thoughts, feelings, and memories within our minds. We all have an internal monologue that guides us through our days. (Mine is the narrator of a novel just begging to be written. Are you surprised?)
Toddlers allegedly have one as well. I’ve often wondered what it is they’re thinking – given the hamster wheel in their head has the attention span of an ADD goldfish. Continue reading →