Because a Girl Always Needs a Superhero

I’ll be your Lois Lane you be my Superman. And Batman will protect our city.

And neither of them will consent to take off the boots. They’re becoming a thing.

Bring it mayhem!

It's a bird, it's a plane!



Filed under Baby Photos, Destroy, Holidays, Search

5 Responses to Because a Girl Always Needs a Superhero

  1. Stephanie Cosaro

    Love it! I can definitely be Batgirl if needed.

  2. Joanne Hamann

    Oh my those are so cute!

  3. Gramma J

    my heroes – super or not!

  4. granpastavo

    it is incredible to think that these two little muppets can generate so much love and affection , and it is only the begining, love you all my two superheroes , ciao tutti gpa Stavo

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