Our Thanksgiving celebration was a day trip. We did not spend the night. We drove up for the feast in the morning and returned home the same evening.
It took us three hours to get up and out of the house. For the eight hour day (plus car ride), we brought:
- 1 double stroller
- 2 car seats
- 4 jingly toys that dangle from the car seats (2 per muppet)
- 1 Pump with bags, bottles and batteries
- 2 sweat outfits: fleece pants, long-sleeve onesie, jacket
- 2 cutesy outfits: jeans and a long-sleeve polo shirt and overalls with a long-sleeve shirt
- 2 sleeper outfits: fuzzy footie pjs
- 4 pairs of socks for the non-footie outfits – the extra set for when one sock gets kicked off and vanishes into a baby black hole
- 2 pluggies and binkie bungies
- 4 milk bottles with all pieces and a cap
- 6 bags of frozen milk (I like to think we picked ones with Thanksgiving feast flavors)
- 14 diapers and full box of wipes in case of (expected) explosions
- 1 diaper bag with changing pad
- 4 blankets: two receiving blankets for the car ride up and two warm fuzzy blankets to combat the cold.
- 1 Pack N Play with fresh sheet so the boys have a place to refuse to nap
- 2 warm hats that have adorable Mickey ears
- 2 stylized turkey bibs since the boys can’t actually eat the turkey
- 4 regular bibs for after the turkey’s can’t take any more arf
- 4 burp rags (for obvious reasons)
- 3 rattle toys for the muppets to stare at disinterestedly
- 1 obnoxious music toy with flashing lights and sounds for the muppets to squeal at with delight
- 1 bottle of Little Tummies gas meds for our futile attempts to stem the tooting
- 2 lovey stuffed animal blankets for cuddling
- 2 adult outfit changes of clothing – needed for comfort on the drive home, but far more likely for changing into after getting puked on
- 1 phone charger to maintain contact with the outside world should we get stuck in traffic and have to call for backup
- 3 magazines and books to read aloud (we chose napping instead)
- 1 camera to capture the holiday memories
- 1 purse (or wallet in Jon’s case) with personal identification should we collapse under this load of stuff
- 2 muppets
- 1 mom
- 1 dad
And on top of all that, we even remembered to bring our contribution to Thanksgiving dinner.