The Annual Family Christmas Letter

I know many of you hate receiving these yearly accolades neatly condensed into a single letter – complete with stationary bearing the appropriate winter motif.

Well 2010 was a big year for us. As we close it out, it really seems to have passed us by while we were buys worrying/celebrating/planning/enjoying the muppets.

So, while you may not be a fan of THE ANNUAL FAMILY CHRISTMAS LETTER, I am. I love receiving them and reading the details of the year, while admiring the accompanying photos. (Even if I was right there beside you, living the year.) And this year, I love sending this. We’re proud of our muppets. (And quite frankly, if you’re here reading this, you have to admit you care a little too. =) )

The holidays are here again. And what a year it’s been…

You want a family? You’re GOING to have a family. Oh my goodness – we’re having twins…

Jon turns 30.

Avere Molti Bambini Maschili! “Yeah, those are both definitely boys,” said the doctor. Two boys? Put up the tent, it’s going to be a circus.

This was not the highlight of the year. At 22 weeks pregnant I move into the hospital for a very stressful six-week stay. Yuck.

It’s time to meet the muppets! We welcome Search Welker (2 lbs. 2 oz./12 in.) and Destroy Anthony (2 lbs. 3 oz./12 in.) to the world.

June is a blur. We spend the vast majority of it staring at the purple-elephant lined walls of the Neo-Natal Intensive Care Unit.

Jon and I learn more science than we ever did in school. Part parent, part nurse. And the muppets reach five pounds.

Homecoming! Search and Destroy officially become NICU graduates. Sleepless nights commence. It is fabulous waking up every three hours because our boys are home and healthy.

I return to work, embracing my new role as a working mom. Search and Destroy spend their days enjoying Daddy Day Care – they’re smiling now.

Happy Halloween! Mommy and Daddy’s monkey and the little lion.

I turn 30.

2010 is almost over and it’s been quite the roller coaster. We’ve been blessed with so much this year. This start of this new decade has brought an entirely new chapter of life for our family.

May you and yours have a happy, healthy holiday. And here’s to all the new adventures the coming year will bring.

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Filed under Baby Photos, Celebrations, Holidays

One Response to The Annual Family Christmas Letter

  1. Winifred Ahern

    I love the Christmas letter and the precious pictures. What a beautiful family!! Should be a memorable holiday season for you all. G.G.