Tag Archives: writing

So You Want to Publish a Book?



Last week I attended BlogHer 14 – the 10th annual conference for women in the blogosphere (and anyone else interested in attending). Continue reading


The Writing Process: A Blog Tour


Duffy from SureD It’s All Good tagged me in a process post. (She called me one of her favorite bloggers – teehee!) Duffy is a kindred spirit, and mother of two preschoolers of her very own. In a rare divergence from poop discussions, she asked me if I’d be willing to take part in a “blog tour.”

This is basically where writers geek out with one another and talk about the who, what, when, where, why and how on our interpretation of the written word. So prepare yourself for a ride through the rabbit hole that is the wonderland of how my mind works. Continue reading


Holiday Hop!

I’ve never done one of those blog hop things before. To my knowledge, some people hate them, some people love them. If done right, you can find some great sites you may not have known about.

Additionally, I have a rule. If it makes me laugh – it gets shared. So… Continue reading

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How Did Your Blog Get Its Name?

One of the most common questions posed during my recent New York adventure was, “How did your blog get its name?”

The title of a blog is your first introduction – it can be simply a name or a reflection of the theme within. By design, a blog is often named before the content even begins flowing. Because we need a place to call home for the future of our words. Continue reading


Blogging for the Love of It

I just got all caught up on HBO’s Newsroom. Mind. Blown. Love that show – passion, power and general awesomeness. You see, 20 years ago I saw the movie Broadcast News and decided that would one day be me. I was going to tell stories.

As the media landscape changes at breakneck speed, I’ve seen op eds decrying the death of news and broadcast media. Steve Tobak of CBS recently tackled the question “Is ‘Do What You Love’ Good Career Advice?”

Now, I don’t claim to be an expert (I only have two degrees in communication studies), but isn’t that what we bloggers do? Storytelling. Granted, this blog isn’t what I do for a living, but the concept sure is close. Continue reading


One of the Many Voices: A BlogHer12 Recap

#BlogHer12 was trending nationally on Twitter and it may have seemed like the entire Internet was at the world’s largest blogging conference. So who were all of these women who were able to drop everything and fly across the country (after finding time to pack) for a BLOGGING conference? (I mean, come on – it’s blogging.)

5,000 women descended upon the New York Hilton for the grand carnival of discussing the craft of spewing ones thoughts into the digital ether. Continue reading


Updated: The Writer’s Collaborative

I like to think of myself somewhat as a humor blogger. You know – the highlights of the headaches and hilarity involved in raising tiny twins.

This got me thinking.

Many of my featured pieces are decidedly less than humorous. Continue reading


Redbook – Things Never to Say To a Woman at 6 a.m.

STOP THE PRESSES! (Actually, don’t stop – since they’re presently printing me.)

Drop everything and go find a copy of Redbook Magazine – March 2012 edition! RIGHT NOW. I’ll wait. (You’re looking for page 19.)

My first piece in a nationally syndicated magazine has just hit newsstands. And our words are about to be seen by a circulation of 2.2 million people. Thanks peeps! Couldn’t have been so snarky without you.

Oh. My. God. Continue reading


Career Goals

Happy Bloggiversary to me! Stream of the Conscious turns 2 today.

Feb. 2, 2010, I announced to a readership of, well, me, that I was pregnant. This was going to be just one of the many “look at how cute my kid is” blogs with cheesy photos of a round me holding a onesie by my side at a baby shower. How droll.

Yeah. I didn’t see those plot twists coming either. Continue reading



I’ve hit a mental block; I don’t think I can be anyone else today. So here’s a little bit of me.

What’s the opposite of, “Did you miss me?” It’s probably, “Are you sick of me yet?”

You’ve probably noticed (since I know you all eagerly read this blog first thing every morning) that, for the past month, there has been a post Every. Single. Day. Continue reading