Tag Archives: shoes

Preemie Perspective

Shoe v Tattoo_06-03-13

Jon’s tattoo is the actual size of the boys’ footprints at birth.  The shoe is the very one procured during our recent adventure to the mall. Continue reading


Learn From My Poor Parenting Decisions

mall Trip

“It seems like a good idea” never is. Ever.

It’d been a long short week. And when I went to pick up the boys, Destroy was sitting on the floor of the playground poking his finger through the toe of his shoe. Continue reading


The Rookie (or You’re Killin’ Me Smalls!)

Shoe on Roof

You know that scene at the end of Jerry Maguire – where the little boy hurls the baseball over the fence?

Yeah. That’s my kid. Except substitute shoe and roof for the ball and fence. Continue reading


Pretty Pretty Princes


It started on a rainy day many months ago. Disallowed from their preferred activity of stomping through puddles and rolling in nature’s mud baths, Search and Destroy’s teachers directed our favorite whirling dervishes toward the classroom dress-up corner.

They went straight for the sparkling tutu costumes. (They clearly take after their mother – oooh, shiny object distraction…) Continue reading


An Ode to Boots


I like boots. They are my favorite winter footwear. (These boots were made for walking and all.) Black boots, brown boots, high heels, riding boots. (Dear Santa, I presently have a thing for red cowboy boots.)

I have clearly passed my love of shoes onto my children. Continue reading


Flights of Fancy (and a desperate desire for shoes)

Much like Scout the big black dog, Destroy collected all the shoes this morning.When his little arms were full, he toddled toward me chanting, “Shoe! Shoe! Shoe!”

In what I thought was a standard assumption, I took the shoes he offered out of his hands – promising we’d put them on just as soon as he put his pants on. This was not a popular decision with a certain toddler prone to tantrums thrown with dramatic flare.

He flung himself to the floor, flopping around like a floundering fish, moaning and wailing in a terrifically awesome muppet meltdown. “SHOOOOOEESSS,” he screamed amid his sobs and distinctly unhappy wiggles. Continue reading

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Muppet Shoes (Surprisingly Not a Metaphor)

Oh. My. God.

Muppet geeks can get their kicks a little greener this fall, as adidas releases its new Superstar II sneaker inspired by Kermit the Frog, the Muppets most visible front man. The Kermit the Frog – Adidas Superstar II shoes feature a white leather and patent upper, with a white toe box and green rubber outsole. Running along one of the green leather stripes are the words “The Original Hip Hop.” The shoe’s tongue hangs a version of Kermit’s fringed collar. Continue reading

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Mommy Brain

It’s real.

About three years ago, my girlfriend Jenny was visiting. It was our monthly “roomies” get-together. (I use the term ‘monthly’ loosely. We try, but people get busy. Sorry, I digress.) The roomies are my housemates from my last two years of college. Jenny was four months pregnant and we were making plans for our next get together. She whipped out a little pocket calendar and shared, “You have to write everything down or you’ll never remember. Pregnancy brain is no joke.”

I never really suffered from pregnancy brain. But then again, most of the issues I was remembering involved where the bathroom was located at my new job and, later on, which nurse I’d already yelled at about the constant need to take my blood pressure.

Mommy brain? That’s the real deal. (Daddy brain is a similar affliction for the remaining parental half of our dynamic duo.) From forgetting to put freshly pumped milk into the refrigerator to putting clothes in the dryer and forgetting to press start, I realized I really do need to write everything down.

I’ve gotten teased at work for my old-school three-ring paper planner. If it crosses my mind, I write it down. It seems to be a great solution for all the details I follow and various projects I work on. At home, I simply track our family’s comings and goings via the calendar app on my iPhone.

That’s not nearly enough. I need to write EVERYTHING down.

This evening I attended my monthly Gemini Crickets meeting – the local MoM (Mothers of Multiples) club. I got home from work and completed a few last minute work items. During the following hour, Jon and I: picked up a few items before the housekeepers come tomorrow, bathed both boys, fed both boys, started laundry, packed the diaper bag, got the boys bundled into their car seats, loaded the stroller and bundled boys into the car and took off on our adventure. “I am SuperMom!” I thought to myself. A full day and I’m still on top of things!

When we arrived, I jumped down from the driver’s seat of my soccer mom SUV and headed to the back to get the muppets ready to woo all the other parents with their innate adorableness. “Hmmm,” I thought as I took two steps toward the back of the car. “My shoes are far comfier than usual…”

I looked down. Slippers. I’d remembered the kids, forgotten my shoes.

I glanced back at the car. Search and Destroy were still sleeping from the lull of the drive over. Maybe no one would see me if I quickly leapt back into the car and sped away. Then I looked toward our meeting room.

What was I so worried about? I was at a Gemini Cricket meeting. Everyone there had a minimum of twins – multiple children are not a novelty. It was a gathering to share war stories of kids vs. parents when the numbers are equal, a place to swap advice on deals for double the merchandise and services. It was the comfiest meeting I’ve ever attended.

But tomorrow, when I head off for work, the top of my to-do list now reads, “Wear shoes.”