Tag Archives: preemie

Prematurely Down the Rabbit Hole


The rabbit-hole went straight on like a tunnel for some way, and then dipped suddenly down, so suddenly that Alice had not a moment to think about stopping herself before she found herself falling down what seemed to be a very deep well.

November is Prematurity Awareness Month. Because premature birth is the leading cause of newborn death worldwide. Continue reading

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Preemie Perspective

Shoe v Tattoo_06-03-13

Jon’s tattoo is the actual size of the boys’ footprints at birth.  The shoe is the very one procured during our recent adventure to the mall. Continue reading


Book Review: Preemie: Lessons in Love, Life, and Motherhood

In 2000, Kasey Mathews had a daughter. Her world turned upside down. Because, if you couldn’t tell by the title, her daughter was premature.

Mathews gently welcomes you to her tale contained within this book’s pages by mentioning that she once longed for someone to sit on the edge of her bed, and share their story. But that woman never came. Continue reading


Winecone Wednesday – Do Epic Shit Edition

Do Epic Shit.

Not a bad motto. I’d even venture to say all of us have experienced a burst of energy dedicated to doing just that at some point in time. A Twitter conversation later clarified that the motto should actually be, “Do Epic Shit. With More Coffee.”

Obviously. Continue reading

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When Talking to Parents of Tiny People

Earlier this month, I came across an article imploring people to think before they speak when talking to preemie parents. The author was mortified that someone close to her had called her two-month premature son a “monkey baby.” As such, a community of preemie parents had banded together to create a list of the Top Ten Things Not to Say to Parents of Preemies. Continue reading


Then and Now

Happy first birthday, Muppets. Continue reading


Doing Time: Navigating the NICU

I am speaking at the local Mothers of Multiples club on a panel about the NICU and hospital stays. Regular readers will know that I have *many* opinions on this topic. In fact, I have so many opinions on it that my first stint on lockdown is what started the words pouring out.

So below is a plethora of unsolicited advice: Doing time in the NICU is rough. It’s overwhelming.

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One Family’s Story

So many people have babies born too soon. When Jon and I began our experience as “preemie parents,” I was amazed at how many stories we began hearing. It seemed almost everyone we knew had been touched by an early birth.

I vividly remember the NICU walk every day as we went to visit the muppets.

Now, Pampers has launched “Love Comes Early,” an 8-episode Web series that follows one family as they navigate life in their local NICU and fight to nurse their daughter Addyson, born fifteen weeks premature, to health.

I watched this and it seemed all too familiar. But in honor of Prematurity Awareness Month, I wanted to share since it seems a great way to show you what it’s like – for any parent going through this. Our stories are all different, but all too similar.