Tag Archives: book

Live, Laugh, Survive

SMITH Final Book Cover

Laughter really is the best medicine. It’s no secret I’ve got my issues; and I’m here to make sure everyone out there, living in my computer world, knows they are not alone.

Sometimes something as simple as a smile can change someone’s day. So join me. Laugh at our misfortunes.

Today, Surviving Mental Illness Through Humor is available!

Seriously. Go buy it now. Yes, you – you are the target audience of this book, even if you’re rolling your eyes at me right now. Whether it’s you or someone you love, this anthology will allow you to see the humor behind the darkness.


From the release:

Living with a mental illness is a journey that one in four Americans will travel at some point in their lifetimes. The stigma and misinformation surrounding the public perception of mental illness is appalling and unfounded. Those with symptoms fear judgment and being ostracized, leaving many to suffer in silence. Awareness and understanding are crucial in eradicating negative attitudes about those with mental illness. By creating an honest dialogue about the highs and lows of mental illness, the non-suffering public will gain a better understanding, and those suffering may be more likely to seek the support they need.

In discussing their own personal experiences with mental illness, popular bloggers and creators of the anthology Alyson Herzig and Jessica Azar envisioned a book that would squash stigma and support readers that are facing their illnesses alone, Surviving Mental Illness Through Humor was born. They gathered a group of talented humor writers who personally battle mental illness. The authors willingness to share their personal stories is inspiring, and shows that living with mental illness doesn’t have to equal a life of endless misery. While the lows of living with mental illness can be devastating, the disease doesn’t define the lives of these contributors. Surviving Mental Illness Through Humor contains essays that will make the reader’s heart ache, as well as ones that will make them cry with laughter. The groundbreaking anthology leads the mission to ‘laugh stigma into submission’ by inspiring attitudes of acceptance and compassion.


I am proud to have my story featured among the talented writers comprising Surviving Mental Illness Through Humor. In addition to hopefully spreading empowerment to others who may suffer, every writer has agreed to donate a portion of his or her book earnings to charity.

It should come as no surprise that my organization of choice is the March of Dimes – in support of their quest to ensure the arrival of healthy babies. Nor should you feel any shock that the story I shared involved tiny persons (and the mooing of a cow).

Go check it out.

For more information on Surviving Mental Illness Through Humor, check out www.survivementalillness.com.

And thank you. Thank you for allowing me to share my story and for being the audience who loves me despite, or maybe because, I’m crazy.



Sleep Anthology Notifications


Every night the bedtime stories are read. Teeth are brushed. Good nights are said. And 30 seconds after the lights are dimmed will be the pitter-patter of little feet.

No matter how tired the parents are – those little ones never want to go to sleep. Continue reading

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A Tiny Tease

I promised you a sneak peek before the year was out. So as you prepare to bid adieu to another year, take a brief look back. I’m really hoping you’ll want to come along with me on this wild ride they call parenthood – complete with two tiny twins: Search and Destroy.

Does this make you want to read more?

Kisses and winecones – I’ll see you on the flip side. Continue reading



I’ve hit a mental block; I don’t think I can be anyone else today. So here’s a little bit of me.

What’s the opposite of, “Did you miss me?” It’s probably, “Are you sick of me yet?”

You’ve probably noticed (since I know you all eagerly read this blog first thing every morning) that, for the past month, there has been a post Every. Single. Day. Continue reading


Book Review: Company’s Coming

Christmas is coming. The goose is getting fat. Thanksgiving has come and gone so I shall acquiesce the start of the nativity scenes featuring St. Nick and soda pop polar bears. This likely involves a lot of relatives and acquaintances descending upon us.

Company’s coming. Continue reading


Love at First Bark: A Review

This was a paid review for BlogHer Book Club but the opinions expressed are my own. (And yes, I was allowed to dislike the book. But I didn’t.)

One of the nice things about a vacation is the opportunity to read again. So, as I headed toward Hawaiian paradise this past week, I picked up my BlogHer Book Club copy of “Love at First Bark: How Saving A Dog Can Sometimes Help You Save Yourselfby Julie Klam and began to read.

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A World of Pure Imagination

As a matter of routine, the muppets and I ventured forth to Target last night. We had a list of items we needed on our errands. We meandered down the office aisles to pick up some CDs so we can share the latest brilliant Keary Dee captured images of our family with the muppets’ adoring masses.

I looked down and saw a Mickey Mouse themed hardcover notebook calling to me from the impulse buy aisle end. Continue reading