Tag Archives: blogging

So You Want to Publish a Book?



Last week I attended BlogHer 14 – the 10th annual conference for women in the blogosphere (and anyone else interested in attending). Continue reading


Tiny Inspiration


I’ve been blogging for three years. Be impressed.

Because what started on a whim because a friend announced their own blog has become a project unto itself. Even I don’t know where it’s going – I never have. (I certainly never planned to be a preemie twin mommy blogger.)

Someone recently asked me, “Will you stop blogging now that the boys have outgrown prematurity?” Continue reading


Blogging for the Love of It

I just got all caught up on HBO’s Newsroom. Mind. Blown. Love that show – passion, power and general awesomeness. You see, 20 years ago I saw the movie Broadcast News and decided that would one day be me. I was going to tell stories.

As the media landscape changes at breakneck speed, I’ve seen op eds decrying the death of news and broadcast media. Steve Tobak of CBS recently tackled the question “Is ‘Do What You Love’ Good Career Advice?”

Now, I don’t claim to be an expert (I only have two degrees in communication studies), but isn’t that what we bloggers do? Storytelling. Granted, this blog isn’t what I do for a living, but the concept sure is close. Continue reading


One of the Many Voices: A BlogHer12 Recap

#BlogHer12 was trending nationally on Twitter and it may have seemed like the entire Internet was at the world’s largest blogging conference. So who were all of these women who were able to drop everything and fly across the country (after finding time to pack) for a BLOGGING conference? (I mean, come on – it’s blogging.)

5,000 women descended upon the New York Hilton for the grand carnival of discussing the craft of spewing ones thoughts into the digital ether. Continue reading


How to Approach the Mommy Blogger

I was recently approached by a PR agency with a few questions about approaching/working with Mommy Bloggers. “Thought you might have some insight into how YOU prefer to be contacted by us annoying agency folk,” the request began.

Now, lest you think I’m about to flame flacks and get all haughty about being targeted thanks to my Voices of the Year recognition, I’ll just go ahead and faceplant right on over that high horse and remind you – I work in PR. I know the people asking. And I like them. I am one of them. Continue reading