Tag Archives: adventure

The Doppelganger


There is a boy next door the boys have befriended. I was thrilled to find a family lived close to us, as I think it’s an important rite of childhood to run amok with the local youth of the neighborhood.

Both boys were eager for their first play date. “Can we go play with Pacman now?” This was only exacerbated by Pacman’s propensity to roll up to the edge of our driveway on his PowerWheel motorcycle and honk his horn. Continue reading

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Naptime Nowadays


We still put the boys down to “rest.” Science may say that naps are no longer healthy after the age of 2, but I would like to invite Science to come deal with muppets after a long day and no nap.

(Also, I am 34 and still greatly enjoy naps. So does most of Europe. Suck it Science.)

So this weekend, we once again fought the valiant naptime battle. Continue reading

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Book Review: The Secret Life of Book Club


Book Club Just Got Real.

Have you ever been a member of a book club? I’ve been in a few over the years – any excuse to escape reality, really.

Because that’s what books do. Crack open the spine of a new novel and suddenly you’re whisked away to post-Napoleonic France to seek revenge on those who have wronged you. You’re a top CIA agent, the deadliest sniper in American history, or the wizard chosen to save magic from a dark end. You’re the talk of the town as a flapper married to F. Scott Fitzgerald or a very hungry caterpillar. Continue reading

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When Zoo Life Mirrors Home Life


What do you do with two stir-crazy three-year-olds on a January Saturday? When it’s 70 degrees in the Bay Area, you take them to the zoo.

(All the while singing the “Love You Forever” because sometimes you think your toddler belongs in the zoo.) Continue reading

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Muddy Buddy 2013


First off, I would like to state this is a misnomer. There is one giant mud pit at the end – which, while fun, does not make for the dirty girl run I was expecting.

Really it was more of a Dusty Trusty. Continue reading

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We’re Going to the Zoo

This is the song that has been stuck in my head since I played the role of Gymbo the Clown in the local mall Gymboree at age 16. (I got the part because I fit in the costume. And none of the adult employees wanted anything to do with it.)

So when the boys announced they needed to go to the zoo, Jon piped right up, “We’re going to the zoo today!” Continue reading


Swimmin’ With the Fishies


The first full weekend after the holiday break was upon us. After an interminable Saturday morning spent entirely indoors, I looked over at Jon and inquired, “What are we doing tomorrow? Because we’re not staying here.”

This morning we awoke to the dreary drizzly gloom of a winter rain. So our natural inclination was to pack up the boys and head south to (not-even-a-little) sunny Monterey for an excursion to the Monterey Bay Aquarium. Continue reading


Pig Pen and the Flying Leap

Felix Baumgartner leapt from space today. Destroy was impressed. Grandpa texted, “We’d love to have you and the boys come over to pick pumpkins.” These events are related.

Aww…we’d love to! I was impressed that they’d successfully cultivated pumpkins in their backyard. I had visions of my little muppets hugging tiny pumpkins in a sweet family Kodak moment. Then I remembered I have little boys. And for one to have a garden, there must be a plethora of dirt. Continue reading


FISHIES: Boys to the Beach

Today’s post is brought to you by JON!

The boys set off an excursion to the Monterey Bay Aquarium today, with bold plans to play with fishies, penguins and otters. I had to work.

Guess what sounds more fun?

I made Jon promise to take lots of pictures. And also notes. Because the blog fodder wasn’t going to suddenly appear whilst I toiled away in my beige-ish cubicle (with a distinct lack of muppets and aquatic animals). He was thrilled. Continue reading


When You Go After Honey With A Balloon, Don’t Let The Bees Know You’re Coming

There has definitely been a general funk surrounding us all lately. Depression, crankiness, corporate intrigue…even The Bloggess noted we may all be on a similar cycle.

For me personally, part of my present struggle has to do with the rabbit hole of this time period – the blur that leads up to my inauguration as a preemie parent some two years ago.

It’s certainly been an adventure. Continue reading

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