In a Meeting

Work has picked up at a raid pace. Projects seem to be multiplying while I sleep and my calendar is filled with meetings as proof.

It’s nice to keep busy. It would be unpleasant if I sat around bored. I think my job is busy because of the constant planning and development of company announcements and events. But imagine the task of supervising discovery of the entire world. Everything is new and fascinating to the muppets. So Jon has a LOT of meetings.

Working Lunch

The 3 p.m. meeting

Project Manager Destroy

Product Manager Search


Filed under Baby Photos, Daycare, Home

2 Responses to In a Meeting

  1. Gramma Janet

    Search looks like he is thinking.. Well, do you like my proposal?

  2. Winifred Ahern

    In those pictures, the Project Managers look identical — except for the Chief Jon — is he taking a break? G.G.