I’m shocked to admit it, but we’ve made it two years. As I write this, the clock has hit 1:32 p.m. You have been out in this world for two years.
Two at two. Nuts. Continue reading
I’m shocked to admit it, but we’ve made it two years. As I write this, the clock has hit 1:32 p.m. You have been out in this world for two years.
Two at two. Nuts. Continue reading
Several people have already inquired about the absence of a blog last night. PANIC! THE WORLD IS ENDING! (I paraphrase.)
As the party wrapped up, it became readily apparent that this was likely the coldest day in the Bay Area. Ever. Or, it may have been the 102-fever I was festively sporting. Jon sent me off to bed even before the muppets went down. My interweb privileges were revoked for fear of what I may write/text/email whilst delirious.
(Interestingly enough, this was not terribly far off from how I felt two years ago.) Continue reading
Quesadilla’s were on the menu. It’s a balmy 75-degree day and cheesy wrapped chicken sounded appropriate.
Apparently I forgot the avocados. This was a crisis-situation. Because what toddler could *possibly* eat a quesadilla without avocado?
I went to remedy the situation. Continue reading
One month ago Muppets were off to the hearing clinic for preemie follow up. I was really hoping they didn’t put significant effort into fooling the audiologists with their ninja-like ability to ignore anything that doesn’t capture their interest. (I’m looking at you Search.)
The boys have been tested and monitored approximately every six months. According to the American Academy of Family Physicians, about 5% of children born before 32 weeks have hearing loss by the time they are 5 years old. Because tiny babies do not yet have mature auditory systems. And their tiny ears are particularly vulnerable to damage.
So how’d the muppets do? Continue reading
So the boys have Hand, Mouth and Foot Disease (HMFD). Yay.
(Not to be confused with hoof-and-mouth disease – which afflicts well, animals with hooves.) I have been assured that HMFD is a common childhood virus of the coxsackievirus genre (capable of taking out an entire preschool class in a single afternoon).
HMFD. Making cherubic toddlers look like acned teenagers.
Aside from a severely cranky night-owl creating an up-all-night Zombie Dad, by this afternoon both boys were showing signs of going stir crazy in quarantine. It was a gorgeous spring day. The whole family could probably use some fresh air. Continue reading
The morning brought about a neighborhood walk. We wrestled with the dogs before nap and then filled their little tummies with lunch. An excursion to the park was to follow in the afternoon. The end-goal: Exhaust the little ones.
Spring is here. And it was a beautiful day. The muppets were showing signs of stir-craziness. So we ventured forth into the great outdoors. Search and Destroy have demonstrated a recent penchant for playing with sticks.
Remember that old nursery rhyme about snips and snails and puppy dog tails? I’ll decode that for you. Boys = noise with dirt. Continue reading
We’re a baseball family – bleeding Dodger blue and/or enjoying Green Collar baseball. (Different leagues. Don’t judge me.) But one of the muppets little friends had himself a San Jose Sharks hockey party today.
Now taking the ice: No. 2, Jackson Sawyer. Continue reading