Category Archives: School

Musical Risk

Today I pointed someone to this blog as the written account of my journey through motherhood.

(Given my geographic ineptitude, it comes as no surprise that my particular journey happens to take the road less traveled.)

Motherhood is an exercise in letting go and clinging to control – an enigma wrapped in a mystery. You have absolutely no idea what you’re getting yourself into. But (cliché alert) no risk, no reward. Continue reading


The Hat Trick

Well, I walked right into that one. I posted on Facebook this morning,

“Dear Muppets,
2 days, 2 incident reports. Can we at least attempt to avoid the trifecta?
Love, Mom.”

My bad.

We hit the trifecta. At least it’s dispersed between children? Continue reading


Back to Basics

 Clarity of thought.

That crisp, concise understanding that you know precisely what you’re doing. (Or at least what you should be doing.) I used to think I had that once…

Enter toddlers, stage right. Continue reading


Report Cards are In

Good news. My state is slightly less stupid. I read the report.

The nation’s educational assessment report card came out today. Once again California received an Unacceptable. Overall, the Golden State held up the rear – our future’s reading scores coming in above the intelligence found in our capital, Washington, D.C., and NO ONE ELSE. Mathematically, we beat out Mississippi and Alabama too. (Given our state’s current fiscal status, this does not surprise me.) Continue reading


Super Sale

The time of year has come where colleagues are canvasing the cubicle aisles to peddle their children’s schoolyard wares. Fundraisers for trips, school perks, books, equipment or uniforms.

Bake sales, magazine subscriptions, cookie dough, gift-wrap, coupon books, auctions, scrip, collecting empty cans…kids pitching their school’s fundraising requests seem to come in every shape and size. (Remember the different size and style Weeples – those fluffy things with googly eyes glued to plastic feet – that were offered as prizes based on the amount of money brought in?) Continue reading


The Bernoulli Effect

Alex Trebek read from the blue-screened square, “An airplane rises due to this Swiss man’s ‘effect,’ as a fluid’s pressure lessens when its speed increases.” I looked up at the TV.


“Who is Daniel Bernoulli?” replied the Jeopardy contestant.

“The ONE piece of physics you remember…” Jon laughed. Continue reading


Dichotomy of a Day

In honor of the Labor Day holiday, I did not work on Friday. (I don’t work tomorrow either, but that’s not here yet so I haven’t got any stories about it.)

So Jon and I went to the range. I initially suggested we spend our day together mini-golfing, but Jon turned up his nose a bit at that. I suggested we go skeet shooting instead. Did you know that shotguns are really heavy? Continue reading


How to Exhaust a Muppet

DEFINITION: Boy, n.: a noise with dirt on it. (Courtesy of A Daddy Blog)

Search was not wearing the outfit I dropped him off in this morning. He toddled around the corner, followed shortly by teacher Miss Stephanie. “We’re going to need more wipes.”

Seventeen outfits, 10 kiwis, 386 baby wipes, two runny noses, two incident reports, one hacking cough, one flesh wound, one black eye, and we’ve hit the second week of daycare running.
Continue reading

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Back to School

Well, we’ve made the grade. It may be hard to believe, but the muppets started school today. I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking, “School? Already? Are they even a year old?” Continue reading


School Tomorrow

Remember all those posts about the NICU? And how tiny the muppets were?

Well, no post tonight. I’ve got to get them ready for their first day of school tomorrow! (Ok, it’s the Toddler class…but work with me people.)

Stay tuned for details 🙂