Category Archives: School

Bonnie and Clyde – Before They Were Stars

I bet you think you know the outlaw couple Bonnie and Clyde. You’re picturing a sepia colored old-timey photo aren’t you? With a couple, complete with Tommy Guns, grimacing back at the Kodak Box Camera.

Two grizzled Depression era baddies – legends and lovers of the gangster era. Bankrobers of the Barrow gang – brothers and buddies capturing America’s attention as public enemy sweethearts No. 1. The stuff of Hollywood gold. Continue reading


Wordless Wednesday: School Photos

‘Tis the season.

Muppets: 2-year-old class. 2012-2013 school year.



Multiple Choice

School’s back in session. The clean crisp notebooks are just beginning to show stress on those wire binds. The intoxicating scent of ink bleeding into the pulpy pages still emanates every time you hear that magical crack of a textbook spine. And Bic has even made a special pen – just for my fairer sex! (Oh read the comments. You won’t be disappointed.

What’s that? Kids these days don’t take pen to paper and read Chapters 1-3 of the state approved textbook (copyright 1992)? GET OFF MY LAWN.

It’s Friday. And when I was a young whippersnapper, that generally meant a pop quiz. Inconceivable! Continue reading


A Completely Ordinary, Totally Typical Day

We close out the 2012 Summer School Mud-Pie season with a typical day. An accident report.

Destroy bonked his head. To paraphrase:

Kid was running amuck and fell. Unclear what mischief he was up to that ultimately caused the latest goose egg. Hugs required. Continue reading


The Pickup Parade

S’up, yo?

When Jon arrived home, he eyed the pile of rubble stacked on the kitchen counter. “Why does the boys’ backpack look like it’s been dragged through the mud?” he inquired.

Funny you should ask… Continue reading


Ghost Light

The boys won’t sleep. Neither of them. The whining would begin the moment the doorframe came into view. The banshee wails began as the child was held over the prison crib walls.

We attempted a reset. Turned on all the lights. Ran around the big room for a bit, then tucked the back into bed. No go. The moment the lights went out again, the screams intensified – to those desperate pathetic hiccupping sobs.

There was only one plausible explanation. The boogieman has taken up residence in the boys’ room. Continue reading


Schools Out…FOREVER

School’s out forever
School’s out for summer
School’s out with fever
School’s out completely

Most kids look forward to summer vacation with gleeful abandon. The shuck off the shackles of structured classrooms to run wild and dirty under the sun. Graduation marks the conclusion of one chapter as people transition to adulthood.

To face the Real World.

GrammaJ graduated today. Finally. After 35 years. Continue reading


AlliosNews: App Review

We’re a technical family. The pending arrival of the copy and paste command was announced via Facebook (it was totally the cool thing at the time).

And, you know, blogging the little ones entire lives. Livin’ the Silicon Valley life, yo. Continue reading

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Just a Little Too Comfortable. Now Listen…

It’s official. I’m “that mom.”

Since the muppets have transitioned into the new Tiny Twos class, they now receive a daily report briefly detailing their progress. Yesterday’s summary read as follows:

“Destroy is becoming a bit too comfortable with me. He needs to learn listening is important.” Continue reading


Something Funny Happened on the Way Home

You think by making it through the day without a call saying the kids are hysterical that the first day in the Tiny Two’s class was a rousing success.

I showed up to the sandbox. The yard doody lady called out Search’s name. Five kids looked up. Because there are five Search’s in his class. Yes. He has one of those names. But to keep things interesting for the teachers, they all have unique spellings. (Joke’s on you, class roster!) Continue reading