Category Archives: Parenting

Where Have All the Kids Gone


We wandered down the sidewalk, taking moments to break free in the late-October sunshine to play unstructured games of tag and catch on the lawn. I was watching them; I made sure no tiny person darted into the street.

The muppets were laughing uproariously. And I had a moment of eye-rolling ironic realization that we’d better get all games of tag out of our system now. Because it’s probably not going to be allowed when my boys get to elementary school. Continue reading


Talk Dirty To Me

Toilet Paper

My phone buzzed. And like the Pavlov’s dog response the text indicator has now created in me, I looked down at my phone.


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Neonatal Nurses Day 2013

Before I Die

Sunday, Sept. 15, was National Neonatal Nurses Day. They deserve a day. The infant mortality rate can be a measure of a nation’s health and social condition. So these amazing people really do hold the world in their hands. Continue reading

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Being Awesome at the Disneyland Dumbo Double Dare Adventure

First Visit

The timing around our summer vacation was twofold. Preschool takes a week off between the end of summer school and the start of a new school year; and I take a great masochistic pleasure in running the Disneyland Half Marathon.

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Nemo. He’s What’s for Dinner


So either our boys aren’t picky eaters or we need to be paying more attention to their social skills. The following was the dinner conversation on Tuesday night.

In either case, we’ll be waiting by the phone for our Parents of the Year accolades. And not likely adopting a goldfish anytime soon. Continue reading


Generational Friendships

Never a Dull Second

In late December 2011, an old high school girlfriend and I started mentioning that since we were both SoCal transplants in the NorCal Bay Area, we should totally get our kids together for a playdate.

Megan, of Never a Dull Second, is now proud BoyMom to two of the cutest little dudes you’ll ever meet – a 3.5-year-old and 5-month-old. But way back in the day, we were livin the dream in an orange and blue high school dress code down in the San Fernando Valley. (I looked for a high school photo of the two of us to post here, but alas all the pictures of 90s early teenage thespian angst are at my parents house. You’re welcome, Megan.) Continue reading


Papa Don’t Preach

With Gramma: Educational play.

With Gramma: Educational play.

With Papa: Utter chaos.

With Papa: Utter chaos.

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The ABCs of Raising a 3-Year-Old


When the muppets were born, they were indoctrinated to a cold, cruel, gravity-filled world. Instead of smiling alligators, bumble bees, and caterpillars adorning nursery walls in bold primary colors, their first ABCs were the red beeping alarms of apnea and bradycardia episodes in an intensive care isolette.

Now they’re closing in on age 3. And causing trouble. Yesterday I got pulled into the principal’s office. Because one of my little ones was spending a bit too much time in THE OFFICE. We’ve been observing and discussing next steps. Our new ABCs are antecedents, behavior, consequence.

Whatever. Interested in the actual alphabet involved in the parenting of a toddler? Continue reading


Things That Apparently Do Not Go Without Saying

Suspicious Dog

“Don’t you wish you could…” is not a concept present in the mind of a child.

It is truly amazing to watch little ones discover the world – unencumbered and uninhibited by impossibilities. They don’t wish they could. They just do. For better or worse. Continue reading


My Mini Me

My terms

While one whirling dervish flung himself off stacks of mats and hurled himself up and over a balance structure twice his height – proudly chanting “POMMEL HORSE” at the top of his lungs, our other son was quiet.

This was not our most stellar gymnastics class outing. Continue reading