Category Archives: Hospital

Confessions of a Guilty Mother

“He always smiles like he’s got a secret,” Search’s teacher informed me.

Nobody knows it but you’ve got a secret smile
And you use it only for me

And with his wry little half-smirk, I have no doubt that he does. You see, Search and Destroy know the secret of life.

I have a confession; my own secret behind the smile. My idea for the name of this blog was originally A Stream Triple Threat. You see, there were initially three. Continue reading


Blood Red Bloodsuckers and Babies

I do not like needles. At all. (Granted, I had to suck that one up right quick when we got into this whole infertility debacle.)

I do not like people stealing my blood. That’s right. I said stealing. My blood. MINE! Continue reading


Respiratory Distress

I got the call this afternoon that the fever was back. 101.7.


Back on the phone with the doctor. “You know, we typically like to see them if the fever remains for over 72 hours,” the advice nurse informed me. I reminded her that we’d just been there and was now calling back per medical instruction. Continue reading


To the Germs Presently Invading My Baby

It makes my heart hurt to see my little man lying next to me listlessly. Breath heavy, cheeks flushed. Those sad eyes only a child can wield.

It’s only a cold. It’s only the flu. It should break soon. He should feel better soon. It could be worse. Continue reading


Sick Muppets are Sad

Worst cold and flu season. Ever. To be continued from the Sunday Post – the muppets are sick again.

To be fair, this is only the second one they’ve endured. And that whole preemie thing put us mostly in isolation for the last one – minus the doctor visits for RSV shots and ER runs for the sniffles when Mommy panicked. So we don’t really have a HUGE comparison.

So, being the wild child(s) we are, we enrolled the muppets in daycare. Because nothing says maturity like a runny nose lasting five months. Straight. Continue reading


Hello World. I Have a Mental Illness

I climb the walls of my mind just like I’m climbing on a jungle gym. I am more than content with the
state of mind I am in ’cause I am crazy just like you
I am crazy just like you.

According to results of a study released today, women with a history of migraines are up to 41 percent more likely to develop depression than those lucky enough to avoid the plague of debilitating headaches. Continue reading


Social Security: Update #3

Remember back when we were forced to deal with Social Security? I said they were a circus. I stand by my claim.

Let’s review. (Trust me, you’ll want to catch up – if only for the humor of the situation. Go ahead, I’ll wait.)

Annnd, two years later – we’re back in the game! Where did we last leave off? Ah yes.

“The epitome of inefficiency.” Continue reading


World Prematurity Day

This is prematurity.

Continue reading


Infertility is a Bitch

A friend’s blog so aptly states Sometimes It’s Hard to Get Pregnant. “It’s hard to get pregnant. It’s hard to stay pregnant. And it’s hard to continue the journey.”

In college I was polka dotted. I visited approximately 732 dermatologists to figure out what was wrong with me. Finally, a doctor shared it wasn’t just an epidemiological stylistic body modification choice (although I do still bear the scars). It was an endocrine, autoimmune disorder. My body was attacking itself.

Goody. Continue reading


Motherhood Uncovered: Prematurity is a Pain

Today’s Motherhood Uncovered post celebrates November as Prematurity Awareness Month by taking a closer look at the signs and symptoms that may lead to tiny babies.  Continue reading

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