Category Archives: Family Stories

The Piston Cup Race to Work

“Okay, here we go.
Focus. Speed. I am speed. One winner, forty-two losers. I eat losers for breakfast.
Breakfast? Maybe I should have had breakfast? Brekkie could be good for me.
No, no, no, focus. Speed. Faster than fast, quicker than quick.
I am Lightning.”

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In Which I Marry the Hot Dog Boy

The one constant, through all the years, has been baseball. America has rolled by like an army of steamrollers. It has been erased like a blackboard, rebuilt, and erased again. But baseball has marked the time. This field, this game: it’s a part of our past. It reminds of us of all that once was good and it could be again.
– Terrance Mann in “Field of Dreams” Continue reading


Guest Post: Husbands, Take Note

We’ve got a guest contributor today. Because I’m off cavorting about the Big Apple (see tweet stream for live coverage updates).

You may have heard of AuntJ – she’s oft mentioned round these parts. And these are her thoughts. Chocolate tips welcome. Continue reading


Little Talks

Winnie Welker Ahern: July 27, 1925 – Jan. 22, 2012

Today is Uncle Paul’s 29th birthday. It should be G.G’87th. I miss her. And I miss our little talks. Continue reading


One Fine Day

Yesterday was an uneventful day. There were no major mishaps, no side-splitting peals of laughter, no ear-splitting major muppet meltdowns. There were no earth-shattering revelations or once in a lifetime experiences.

It was a typical day. And our family lived our lives.

In What Alice Forgot, she forgot a decade of her life. If that were to ever happen to me – these are the moments I’d miss most. Life simply happening. Continue reading


Ghost Light

The boys won’t sleep. Neither of them. The whining would begin the moment the doorframe came into view. The banshee wails began as the child was held over the prison crib walls.

We attempted a reset. Turned on all the lights. Ran around the big room for a bit, then tucked the back into bed. No go. The moment the lights went out again, the screams intensified – to those desperate pathetic hiccupping sobs.

There was only one plausible explanation. The boogieman has taken up residence in the boys’ room. Continue reading


Griswolds Go To the Beach Pt. 2

This is not what a trip to the beach looks like with twin toddlers.

In a family vacation nutty enough to require two posts (and also because I’m condensing the whole week into these posts), the saga continues. We arrived at Uncle Paul’s house. He lives on the beach. Not kidding.

Yeah. I could live here.

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Griswolds Go To the Beach Pt. 1

Grab your towels and hang on tight folks.

The muppets and I headed south for a last minute vacation to my childhood home. (Ideally for some relaxation – for mommy anyway, since Search would undoubtedly deposit himself in GrammaJ’s lap for the duration and Destroy would…well destroy things.)

It’s in the mid-90s weather wise. My brother lives on the beach. I put these two nuggets of wisdom together and thought, “You know what seems like a good idea?! Let’s take the boys on their very first beach trip.” Continue reading


Toddling Technical 2-Year-Olds

The generational gap has manifested itself in full-fledged glory this evening.

My mother and father spent the day at the Verizon store. Both were proud new owners of their very own iPhones. PapaStavo has an iPhone. GrammaJ is sending pictures of my dog nephew in an attempt to master the iPad camera.

Suddenly this Mayan prophecy thing doesn’t seem quite so wackadoo. Continue reading


Schools Out…FOREVER

School’s out forever
School’s out for summer
School’s out with fever
School’s out completely

Most kids look forward to summer vacation with gleeful abandon. The shuck off the shackles of structured classrooms to run wild and dirty under the sun. Graduation marks the conclusion of one chapter as people transition to adulthood.

To face the Real World.

GrammaJ graduated today. Finally. After 35 years. Continue reading