Category Archives: Destroy

Star of the Week

Destroy-Star of the Week

Each week one member of Search and Destroy’s preschool class is selected to be STAR OF THE WEEK. It is only fair I share such an honor with you.

I remember the excitement of these things when I was their age. (I believe it was Special Helper back when I was a wee kinder.) We even got a special paper cut out badge pinned to our shirts. The muppets get a whole poster dedicated to their fantastic little persons.

The week of March 10 is “All About Destroy!” Continue reading

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Are They Natural?

Natural Twins

Every so often life blesses you with a pithy comeback, perfectly timed. I enjoy those moments.

The boys and I stopped by Subway to grab a sandwich for dinner.

Subway Sandwich Artist: Are they natural? Continue reading


Discussing the Future of Public Safety on a Saturday Morning

dispatch logo-s

This sunny Saturday morning saw the following discussion in the roles public safety professionals play in our lives.

Also, Jon will be teaching Destroy how to drive.

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The Dinosaur and the Watermelon (Based on a True Story)

Dinosaur Watermelon

Once upon a time there was a dinosaur.

He said RAWR. Others laughed when he rawred. Sometimes they would rawr back, which would make the dinosaur rawr louder.

Everyone would laugh. There would be more rawring. Louder rawring.

So much rawring can make a dinosaur hungry. (Dinosaurs can get very cranky if their blood sugar gets low, you know.)

But this story is about a smart dinosaur. Continue reading


Soccer Shock


At age 4, I joined the Wild Cats in the youngest division of AYSO region 72. Family legend says I was relatively cooperative during weekly practice, but would have nothing to do with the games. In spite of looking absolutely adorable in my black and white uniform.

One of my earliest actual memories is standing in the goal, swimming in a jersey that was way to big, before running off the field toward my parents because I didn’t want to play anymore. But I’d stayed on the field tear free for almost half the game! A new personal best. Continue reading



Twin painting

I thought my little angels were upstairs sleeping peacefully. And then I heard stirring through the monitor.

Destroy: RAWR
Search: Noooo. No rawr, Destroy. We need to sleep now, k?
Destroy: rawr.
Destroy: Argh!!! He bite me!!! Continue reading

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The Most Precocious Gymnast


Every day throughout the week Destroy would find the opportunity to burst into the room, inquiring if it was time to go to gymnastics. Until it was time to go, of course.

“I DON’T WANNA GO TO GYMNASTICS!” Continue reading

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If Ever There Was Proof the Kid’s a Superhero


So this totally just happened. Pretty much says it all. Continue reading


Then and Now


Happy third birthday, Muppets. Continue reading


An Open Letter to my Sons on Their Third Birthday

Letter to my sons

Time really is ethereal – something simply in the eye of the beholder. When we began our journey, three months took a lifetime; it seems surreal that it’s now been three years.

Three years ago doctors talked to me in hushed tones of couched optimism. I mourned the loss of what should have been instead of celebrating your arrival. But this year I looked forward to Memorial Day. It’s time to look forward to all of your milestones, instead of back on the ones we missed. Continue reading