Category Archives: Celebrations

‘Tis the Season

In the run up to Christmas, this weekend was the annual Classy Mom’s Christmas Party. It’s a big event. And the kids are now old enough that all the attendees are mobile – and able to create as much chaos as possible.

This particular soiree comes with instructions. Saturday morning arrived and as the muppets munched on the nutritional delights of Eggo waffles (prior to the pending sugar surge sure to soon occupy the time of all those classy moms), I reviewed the evite – running through the checklist step-by-step. Continue reading


Don’t Grow Up. It’s a Trap.

I’m a big fan of birthdays. It’s a day to celebrate ME; where I feel special. Since the muppets adventurous arrival, they’ve taken on an even more important meaning. Continue reading

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The Problem with our Education System Today

Search and Destroy with their favorite teacher (even if she is a bit disturbed).

I’m not sure how I feel about the environment my children are being educated in. And by that I of course mean Northern California.

Last week the San Francisco Giants won the World Series. The Bay Area went nuts. Those infected with the crazy included those responsible for imparting basic knowledge upon the impressionable young minds in their charge. Including the muppets. Continue reading


When Creatures Come to Life (or Halloween 2012)

I picked the boys up from school. Search had soggy pants and a bulge at the bottom of his pants leg. Out fell his diaper. The kid had removed his diaper from WITHIN his pants. So this is how we were going to kick of an evening of costumes huh?

Mad skillz, yo.

The ghouls and goblins were getting an early start. Continue reading

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Parties Pumpkins and Ponies

“This kind of blog just writes itself, doesn’t it?” smirked Jon as he was sent back to the store for last minute sherbet.

It was the annual Mama’s Halloween party. Ten small peeps (between the ages of 4 months and 4 years) descended upon my house to join the muppets in creating complete and utter chaos. A dirty dozen in full disguise. Continue reading


The 100-Acre Woods

Several people have already inquired about the absence of a blog last night. PANIC! THE WORLD IS ENDING! (I paraphrase.)

As the party wrapped up, it became readily apparent that this was likely the coldest day in the Bay Area. Ever. Or, it may have been the 102-fever I was festively sporting. Jon sent me off to bed even before the muppets went down. My interweb privileges were revoked for fear of what I may write/text/email whilst delirious.

(Interestingly enough, this was not terribly far off from how I felt two years ago.) Continue reading


Mother’s Day Activities

G.G. hated Mother’s Day. She viewed it as a mass-market sales ploy for the greeting card industry. I can’t say I disagree – it’s very similar to how I’ve always felt about Valentine’s Day.

At best, I’d say I’m indifferent. Because, you see, I’m a mother every day.

Nevertheless, we had a special mommy and muppets day chalk full of activities: Continue reading


New Year’s Resolutions I’ll Break Before February

It’s been another blink and you missed it year. (Go back and read the Annual Christmas Letter if you blinked.) The end of the calendar year is really a random point in the circle around the sun for us to reset.

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Merry Christmas. Some Assembly Required.

Christmas 2011 has come and gone. Hurricane Muppet is in full force. This is a long blog. I know this. I recommend some coffee. Go ahead, I’ll wait.

We woke up at 7 a.m. (letting Mommy sleep far later than the Christmas mornings of her childhood) and descended the steep not-to-code stairs. Jon had brewed a pot of coffee for Grandma Nancy – of which I greedily availed myself to as well. As we gathered caffeine cups and black Hefty bags for wrapping paper containment, I truly felt like a parent for the first time. Continue reading


The Annual Family Christmas Letter – 2011

I know many of you hate receiving these yearly accolades neatly condensed into a single letter – complete with stationary bearing the appropriate winter motif.

Too bad. I wrote one anyway. Continue reading

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