Blue Clues

By popular demand, below are the clues to deciphering the long awaited, much anticipated and oft debated naming of the twins. Who knew that this would become such a popular guessing game – from the center of elementary school gossip in the grass seed capitol of the world (Albany, Ore.) to the topic of conversation among the ladies in Camarillo, Calif.

  1. We are expecting two baby boys. They are boys names.
  2. They are both real, actual, previously existing names. We haven’t created anything new. (We are also using standard spellings.)
  3. Our last name is Stream. Out of respect for our children and the desire to save money on future therapy sessions, the first names are not nouns.
  4. In order to prevent schoolyard bullying, we are very conscious about potential initial issues. The names do not invite any embarrassing initial combinations.
  5. Yes, they are twins. But they are going to be individual people. The names do not rhyme or match.
  6. No alliteration occurs – neither between the two first names nor with our last name.
  7. Each name has multiple syllables. (Hey, we are having multiple babies!)
  8. The first names are of Gaelic origin. You’re on your own regarding where the middle names came from.
  9. Neither child has a first name bestowed upon him in honor of someone we know.
  10. There are no Juniors anywhere in the near Stream future.

Please ponder and enjoy. Jon and I were very lucky in that we didn’t have much of a battle deciding upon our sons names – we certainly think they’re priceless regardless.

Feel free to share your thoughts and guesses – we’ll share the results when they arrive. Any winners will be offered first visitation rights.  Bonus points if you get the middle names as well…


Filed under Names, Pre-natal

3 Responses to Blue Clues

  1. Janet

    I made two good guesses! I think I get first visitation rights. Of course I sent under separate cover! Not that I have any inside knowledge. This is a well kept secret.

  2. Becca

    LOVE the names! I am so glad you chose Anthony for a middle name! Sadly we can’t ever name our babes that name so I am happy you did!. Can you imagine the therapy for Tony Francesconi? 😉 Love ya mama! xo

  3. Pingback: What’s My Name Again? | Stream of the Conscious