Autumn Adventures

There is little to no hope for a white Christmas in this neck of the woods. So in the balmy chill of 60 degree California weather, we headed out for some autumn adventures in the outdoor air.

There’s just something so enticing about a giant pile of fallen leaves. And also, punching penguins.

We started with a walk. They look so tiny in the great big outdoors.

There are two speeds. Running and Falling.

After a particularly stressful day at school Search was exceedingly pleased to find his very own WINECONE. (And he was not about to let this thing go.)

Don’t you want to just fall right into the fun?

The little jailbird  biter.

Sometimes you just need to release some aggression. Like, for example, beating up a plastic penguin.

I got your nose! And, in turn, they have got the penguin’s nose. (I promise you that is supposed to be a penguin.)

What a day. Time to sit back and read the paper.

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Filed under Current Events, Destroy, Search, Uncategorized

One Response to Autumn Adventures

  1. Gramma J

    They loved the leaves at our house too. However, now I see Destroy has added a new trick – standing on his head.