I’m not sure how I feel about the environment my children are being educated in. And by that I of course mean Northern California.
Last week the San Francisco Giants won the World Series. The Bay Area went nuts. Those infected with the crazy included those responsible for imparting basic knowledge upon the impressionable young minds in their charge. Including the muppets.
Friday was declared Giants Day. All students were encouraged to wear Giants gear to show their pride.
Yeah. That wasn’t happening.
Jon: You’re not putting them in Dodger gear. They’ll get beat up.
Me: They’re 2!
Jon: …
Me: Oh fine. They’ll wear their A’s jerseys. Besides, we only have one Dodger shirt. (GO BLUE!)
Remember the photo above. It’ll be newsworthy someday.
My point.
(Especially considering their father is busy growing a ridiculous mustache for Movember? More on that absurdity when I have better pictures to mock.)
But I will give some credit for instilling a love of sports. We’ll just blame the orange and black on Halloween.
Hmm…looks like we’re going to need some serious educational clarification.
PS. Please note this post was written entirely in jest. The muppets love baseball and their school. They also love all their teachers. (Apologies to the ones they’ve bit or pooped on.)
PPS. It is a myth that you cannot end a sentence with a preposition. So the first sentence of this post? TOTALLY LEGIT. If you refuse to accept such accuracy as fact – my blog, assuage yourself with the idea of poetic license.
My mustache will be epic. Donate, it’s a good cause.
Great story. Your family is hilarious.
Ugh with the preposition. You know how I hate those kind of sentences. So, where are you at? (couldn’t resist – that’s one of my favorites). And remember, orange and black means GO BEAVERS! What was that messy looking Halloween treat anyway?