Tag Archives: water

A Short Story – The California Drought, Day 1,643


Once lush green stalks of tall grass glowed an angry red, as though they had been sunburned instead of merely water deprived.

I always presumed I would see plumes of yellow during the deep dog-days of summer, as the plants prepared for winter and reminded me to take hay fever medication. It was, after all, almost August. Instead the bleached tips of overgrown weeds in the expansive field waved a white flag of surrender as though mocking America the Beautiful’s sweet-smelling waving wheat. Continue reading

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Bath Time Bail Out

Forget it. I'm out.

Forget it. I’m out.

Boys at age 4 are wiggly. This makes some of our routines a bit of a gymnastics exercise.

Last night, the muppets splished and splashed their way through bath time. Once the bathroom was thoroughly flooded – meaning the balance of water was out of the tub rather than in – it was time for pajama wrestling. Continue reading

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California Dust Bowl


California needs rain. And I know the upcoming drought is going to be bad. But oh how I’ve been enjoying the mid-winter sunshine. (Sorry to gloat polar vortex people, we’ll be paying for it soon enough.)

I never thought I’d find myself wishing for soggy weather – but we could really use a good El Nino in these upcoming months. Because I use a lot of water. A lot. Continue reading

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Mission Debrief: Bedtime

Mission Debrief

This mission is not for the faint of heart.

Objective: Get children into bed for duration of the night.
Subjects: Two (2) 3-year-olds, highly skilled in art of stalling. Continue reading


Starfish Swim School and the Five Points of Panic

The boys are learning to swim. They’ve been water babies since their first dunking in the NICU tub (which was the size of a legal pad of paper). Destroy has recently taken to attempting the breaststroke in the bathtub (when not soaking everything and everyone in his hurricane path). Legend has it, Search turned down popsicles in Summer School in favor of water play.

So naturally, being mother of the year, Safety First!

Our budding little Michael Phelps and Ryan Lochte got signed up for swim lessons. Continue reading


The Pickup Parade

S’up, yo?

When Jon arrived home, he eyed the pile of rubble stacked on the kitchen counter. “Why does the boys’ backpack look like it’s been dragged through the mud?” he inquired.

Funny you should ask… Continue reading


Babies, Berries and Baths

US Weekly

Tuesday night was another frantic muppet caper. I closed down my cubicle at work and ran for the hills – also known as driving across the Silicon Valley at high speeds to pick up the boys on time.

Search and Destroy greeted me at the pickup gate with giant grins and outstretched arms. Who could resist such heart-meltyness. I hugged them both. In my white blouse. After their afternoon snacktime. Which happened to be blackberries.

This may explain Sarah Michelle Gellar’s Golden Globes outfit… Continue reading


Swim Meet

Shhh…don’t tell Dad or GrampaStavo, but there may be another athletic endeavor in the picture.

At home we’ve been practicing throwing (as Destroy fires a Lego block into his cubby drawer WITH AUTHORITY) to hone our baseball skills (is anything hotter than a left-handed pitcher). But, as we haven’t yet determined handed-ness, we’re also working on passing the larger ball back and forth (we’re very good at headers) to see if they’re more adept at kicking a soccer-size ball. But, as they can’t even walk steadily yet, we may need to hold off on that sport too. Continue reading

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