Tag Archives: toddlers

Why Little Ones are Like Leprechauns

Leprechauns are mythical creatures.
Getting pregnant is a miracle. It requires a lot of drugs. I hear people on drugs see mythical creatures.

Leprechauns are no taller than a small child.
Little ones ARE small children. Continue reading

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An Evening Out

Remember back in the day when Friday nights were going out night? Getting all dolled up and heading out at 10 p.m. – to see what the night had to offer?

Yeah, me neither. In any case, I went out last night.

It was a long week. And I was hungry. So I proposed a date to the Outback, and was escorted by four fabulous Stream gentlemen. I gracefully clambered from the front of the Pilot into the back of the car to land clumsily take my place between the car seats. Upon arrival, Jon freed the boys from the child-lock secure doors and I (once again with the grace of a beautiful ballerina – at least in my head) twisted myself under the seats to slide out onto the asphalt. Continue reading


Great Band Names (and other things I never thought I’d say)

Musicality is embedded in my genes. My grandfather was a Big Band guitarist. My cousin is a budding saxophoning phenom. I played piano and fancied myself a budding composer until retiring as a starving artist in fifth grade when Mrs. Soyster moved to San Francisco.

Tangent: Isn’t every child forced to take piano lessons until age 10? In other news, we have a piano in our house now. And both a right- and left-handed guitar – electric and acoustic. And I bought a drum set for my friend’s 2-year old (because being on hospital lockdown makes you find odd ways of amusing yourself  do crazy things). Surprisingly, she still talks to me. But I digress… Continue reading