Tag Archives: toddlers

Frat Boys in Training (or why growing boys cry when the milk spills)

Logan_Got Milk_11-29-12

Search and Destroy are fraternal twins. Once they go away to college, each will make his own individual decision on whether or not to join a fraternity – a group of persons associated by, or as if by, ties of brotherhood. Just in case, they’ve begun practicing for their pledge class. Continue reading


Rough and Tumble Tumbly-Bouncing (Or When Toddlers Take Gymnastics)

Destroy came flying off the stairs, as he’d positioned himself just so that he slid down on his stomach, picking up momentum as his rotund little tummy garnered additional speed. He hit the tile floor, leapt up and headed toward the entryway rug at a full toddler sprint that quickly transitioned into a diving summersault (that was actually rather well done). As quickly as this little escapade had begun, Destroy popped back up, arms stretched toward the heavens in a gold-medal caliber routine completion gymnastics salute.

TADA! Continue reading


The Pickup Parade

S’up, yo?

When Jon arrived home, he eyed the pile of rubble stacked on the kitchen counter. “Why does the boys’ backpack look like it’s been dragged through the mud?” he inquired.

Funny you should ask… Continue reading


Found Nemo


Have you heard the news? Thirteen years after the original won an Academy Award for Best Animated Picture, the sequel to Finding Nemo is hitting the big screens (due out 2016).

Given the theatrics of the 2003 elementary age clownfish, one can only assume poor Marlon has one hell of a rebellious teenage fish. Or maybe Nemo is now a father of his own accord and karma is rearing its ugly head. “Come find me now, funny fish!” Continue reading

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Griswolds Go To the Beach Pt. 2

This is not what a trip to the beach looks like with twin toddlers.

In a family vacation nutty enough to require two posts (and also because I’m condensing the whole week into these posts), the saga continues. We arrived at Uncle Paul’s house. He lives on the beach. Not kidding.

Yeah. I could live here.

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Toddler Speak

Mahi Mahi was on the menu for dinner tonight. Both muppets chowed down in a serious teenage-boy-in-training fashion, while Finding Nemo played in the background.


(Yes, I fed my children fish while their anthropomorphized dinner just kept swimming on the screen. I know. Mother. Of. The. Year.)

It’s crazy how big they are now. They’re like real little people. It’s just completely… Continue reading


Winecone Wednesday – Shadows of the Sun Edition

Yesterday, at sunset, Venus made its last trek in front of the sun for the next century and some change. (And this once in a lifetime information comes to me from NASA, not a Facebook posting hoax. Unless NASA is trying to distract us all with shiny astrological objects. Totally plausible.) Continue reading

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A Toddler Sports Primer

The real explanation behind professional athletes is not necessarily innate or inherent talent. It is the ability not to kill themselves as toddlers. Continue reading


10 Phrases Frat Boys and Toddlers Have in Common


Some comments are cute when spoken about your cherubic little toddler, yet not so funny when you hear the same utterance regarding your now grown up fun-loving frat boy. Continue reading


Feel (Find or Fear) the Teal

We’re a baseball family – bleeding Dodger blue and/or enjoying Green Collar baseball. (Different leagues. Don’t judge me.) But one of the muppets little friends had himself a San Jose Sharks hockey party today.

Now taking the ice: No. 2, Jackson Sawyer. Continue reading