Tag Archives: swimming

Starfish Swim School and the Five Points of Panic

The boys are learning to swim. They’ve been water babies since their first dunking in the NICU tub (which was the size of a legal pad of paper). Destroy has recently taken to attempting the breaststroke in the bathtub (when not soaking everything and everyone in his hurricane path). Legend has it, Search turned down popsicles in Summer School in favor of water play.

So naturally, being mother of the year, Safety First!

Our budding little Michael Phelps and Ryan Lochte got signed up for swim lessons. Continue reading


The Family Dynamic

The muppets and I made a mad dash for the sunny Southern California coast this past weekend. During our whirlwind family reunion tour I was reminded how much I miss living near my extended family. Continue reading


Swim Meet

Shhh…don’t tell Dad or GrampaStavo, but there may be another athletic endeavor in the picture.

At home we’ve been practicing throwing (as Destroy fires a Lego block into his cubby drawer WITH AUTHORITY) to hone our baseball skills (is anything hotter than a left-handed pitcher). But, as we haven’t yet determined handed-ness, we’re also working on passing the larger ball back and forth (we’re very good at headers) to see if they’re more adept at kicking a soccer-size ball. But, as they can’t even walk steadily yet, we may need to hold off on that sport too. Continue reading

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Splashin’ Summertime Fun

In the days of my youth, once the final school bell rang for summer, my days were spent in the pool. Continue reading