Tag Archives: publication

A Really Big Announcement


The little boy was afraid of the dark…

Years ago I brought two tiny babies home from the hospital. Turns out, the constant flicker of fluorescent lights and unceasing beeping alerts from monitors conditioned these small people to distrust the dark. (What – you mean like my womb where they were supposed to stay?)

Not to mention that after three months planning the great escape, followed by three months in baby jail, there was a lot of the world to explore. So I told my newborns a bedtime story.

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Redbook – Things Never to Say To a Woman at 6 a.m.

STOP THE PRESSES! (Actually, don’t stop – since they’re presently printing me.)

Drop everything and go find a copy of Redbook Magazine – March 2012 edition! RIGHT NOW. I’ll wait. (You’re looking for page 19.)

My first piece in a nationally syndicated magazine has just hit newsstands. And our words are about to be seen by a circulation of 2.2 million people. Thanks peeps! Couldn’t have been so snarky without you.

Oh. My. God. Continue reading