Tag Archives: press release

Picnic Time in Starting Lineup at First-Ever NFL New York Pop-Up Store

(I don’t typically post press releases. But this company is near and dear to my heart; it’s a family thing. And also, I wrote it.)

Football fans celebrate the 2012 NFL Draft in style with a variety of licensed outdoor leisure products.

MOORPARK, Calif., April 9, 2012 – Picnic Time, wholesaler and manufacturer of the world’s finest outdoor leisure and entertaining products, today announced that a selection of licensed totes, baskets, coolers, and accessories will be available in the NFL Shop At Draft, the first-ever NFL pop-up store in New York City, launched to celebrate new apparel partnerships and the 2012 NFL draft.

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Distribution Dinosaur


Today I, an exceptional maternal unit to a dual masculine birth, announce that in order to mesh proactive deliverables and evolve interactive channels we provided best-in-class value-added Mexican style sustenance for integrated cross-family enterprise nutritional infrastructure prior to iterating scalable solutions in the nocturnal timeframe via Jurassic terrestrial vertebrates lizard literature.

This is the type of mouthful found in most corporate press releases. Continue reading

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