Tag Archives: ipad

The iPad is NOT a Chew Toy

Bad dog.

Bad dog.

The sun was just about ready to set as the hours rolled on – drawing the summer solstice to a close. Inside the house, muppets were restless in their beds as the night was not yet dark despite the passing of bedtime.

I stared out at the clouds from my office window. I watched the weekend slip away and told myself it would be a good idea to get ready for the week ahead. Continue reading

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TechMom Tuesday: iPad Minis for the Mini People

TechMomI write a monthly column over at AlliOSNews. It’s a techie site – extolling all the goodies and gunpowder on the Apple OS. (SHINY TOY!) I’m TechMom. And these are my stories on how technology is really used. This is what you must deal with as I am a Silicon Valley nerd by day.

(I’m well aware it’s Friday.  If you want TechMom Tuesday on Tuesdays, head on over to AlliOSNews for all things Apple. TechMom Tuesday is typically published the first Tuesday of every month. I reserve the right to rant more or less as the technical goings-on, well…go on. This month it’s late because I was off celebrating America’s Independence Day the first week, and then my editor was on vacation the next.) Continue reading

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TechMom Tuesday: Mirror Mirror on the Wall – Who’s the Favoritist of Them All?

I know it’s Wednesday here – but yesterday was Tuesday. So I was hanging out over at AlliOSNews – sharing my techie thoughts for the monthly TechMom Tuesday installment.

Enjoy. Continue reading


TechMom Tuesday: Devices and the Mommy Blogger (Unrelated to Toddler Restraints)

It’s Tuesday! You know what that means? I’ve been hanging out over at AlliOSNews. To talk about my geekery over all things Apple.

Which reminds me. As I’ve read all the recap posts about the intense BlogHer12 Conference, my favorite comment came from Scary Mommy:

“Reading all the #blogher12 posts about “cool girls” makes me laugh. Hello, it was a blogging conference — NONE of us are all that cool.”

So. Without further ado… Continue reading


AlliosNews: App Review

We’re a technical family. The pending arrival of the copy and paste command was announced via Facebook (it was totally the cool thing at the time).

And, you know, blogging the little ones entire lives. Livin’ the Silicon Valley life, yo. Continue reading

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