Tag Archives: dinner

TechMom Tuesday: Let Them Eat Cake


I write a monthly column over at AlliOSNews. It’s a techie site – extolling all the goodies and gunpowder on the Apple OS. (SHINY TOY!) I’m TechMom. And these are my stories on how technology is really used. This is what you must deal with, as I am a Silicon Valley nerd by day.

I’m well aware it’s Thursday. TechMom Tuesday is typically published the first Tuesday of every month, but this month your techie insights were delivered on the second Tuesday because my editor, Clinton, decided to go on vacation – Under the Sea, Little Mermaid style. I reserve the right to rant more or less as the technical goings-on, well…go on. Continue reading

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Nemo. He’s What’s for Dinner


So either our boys aren’t picky eaters or we need to be paying more attention to their social skills. The following was the dinner conversation on Tuesday night.

In either case, we’ll be waiting by the phone for our Parents of the Year accolades. And not likely adopting a goldfish anytime soon. Continue reading


Learn From My Poor Parenting Decisions

mall Trip

“It seems like a good idea” never is. Ever.

It’d been a long short week. And when I went to pick up the boys, Destroy was sitting on the floor of the playground poking his finger through the toe of his shoe. Continue reading


Dining with Small Children

Caden Eating


Search and Destroy were very excited about the evening’s culinary offering. (To clarify, we were having tortellini for dinner.)

While the “eat whatever you want with reckless abandon because it’s the holidays and things are just really tasty” season – general running from the turkey of Thanksgiving through the chocolate goodies of Valentine’s Day – has concluded for this year, the muppets are still going strong. Continue reading


The Cornbread Stuffing Caper

Expiration for the Week

Ten years ago I was home from college, rifling through the refrigerator looking for sustenance. Hidden in the back corner I found a jar of Jet Puffed MarshMallow Whip. The expiration date was 1988.

My mother has never liked food. Cookies in our house were generally of the sugar-free, salt-free, cholesterol-free, sodium-free, fat-free, taste-free variety. AuntJ has oft visited the annals of San Fernando Valley familial homestead only to announce, “Ok. Let’s go get some actual food.” Continue reading


Well What DO You Want for Dinner?

Destroy was busy narrating the scenic drive and telling us about his day as we completed the short drive home from school. Weeknights are always a bit frenzied round these parts – get kids, get home, get dinner – as we race the clock to beat a hungry muppet meltdown.

“Do you want spaghetti for dinner?” I interrupted the little narrator?

“No,” he replied matter-of-factly. “No getty.” Continue reading


The Solicitor

It wasn’t the poor guy’s fault. He was just trying to do whatever summer job he’d been suckered into – rumor has it high school type kids are running low on options these days.

The doorbell rang at about 6:30, the typical delivery hour for our particular UPS route (with the driver who I’m pretty sure thinks we’re running some sort of Diapers.com scam out of our house due to the never-ending stream of boxes). It wasn’t the latest supply of Pampers Cruisers (now in Size 5!) Continue reading


How to Ruin Dinner in Six Easy Steps

To be fair, I was already a bit distracted.

I worked from home today. And after a lengthy webinar, spent pacing the perimeter of my office, I ventured forth into the kitchen for coffee. I desperately needed a recharge after talking to myself for an hour wondering if anyone was listening.

It was a whole Silicon Valley technological version of “If a tree falls in the forest…” moment updated to “If I give an online presentation and no one pays attention…”

I knew something was amiss the moment I crossed the living room threshold. Now, with two growing boys, I’ve smelled my share of special deposits. But this was unique. Continue reading


An Evening Out

Remember back in the day when Friday nights were going out night? Getting all dolled up and heading out at 10 p.m. – to see what the night had to offer?

Yeah, me neither. In any case, I went out last night.

It was a long week. And I was hungry. So I proposed a date to the Outback, and was escorted by four fabulous Stream gentlemen. I gracefully clambered from the front of the Pilot into the back of the car to land clumsily take my place between the car seats. Upon arrival, Jon freed the boys from the child-lock secure doors and I (once again with the grace of a beautiful ballerina – at least in my head) twisted myself under the seats to slide out onto the asphalt. Continue reading


Evil Knievel and the Peanut Butter Sandwich

No good ever came of a phone call that began, “Don’t worry, they’re okay.”

“Destroy’s had a rough morning…” Miss Stephanie continued. “I felt that I should call and warn you before you came to pick him up as he looks a bit worse for wear.”

I forced myself to hang onto the phone as I dropped my head onto my desk. “What happened?” Continue reading