Tag Archives: cupcakes

The Chocolate Whiskey Experiment

This is what they're supposed to look like

I did it. I succumbed. I joined Pinterest. PIN ALL THE THINGS! And then, like a magical beacon of light, a cupcake photo appeared on my wall page site board.

Dark Chocolate Jack Daniels Whiskey Cupcakes. (Suddenly those petit fours instructing Alice, “Eat Me” didn’t seem so far fetched.)

PIN ALL THE SUGARY WHISKEY-Y WONDERFULNESS! I pinned the delectable to the board I have aptly named, “Recipes I will likely blow up before they’re ready.” An omen perhaps? No matter. Challenge accepted. I. Must. Have. These. Cupcakes. Continue reading



Cupcakes + Muppets = Awesomeness.

by Cupcake Occasions uk