I’m away on business. So naturally, Destroy chose to start talking.
Clearly he misses me. My son is obviously a genius.
I’m away on business. So naturally, Destroy chose to start talking.
Clearly he misses me. My son is obviously a genius.
Filed under Destroy, Milestones
Oh man. We just watched that 5 times. Wow. That is either really cool or really painful for Tricia to see that from afar. Mama. A far cry from “SQUEEEEEL” which is pretty much what he said to me all day Monday.
Fabulous! Hope you don’t miss him too much! A great post Mom’s Day present!
Actually, he is saying, “where is mama?” Awesome
What a great message to get from your Muppet letting you know how much you are missed. Jon is a great teacher!! G.G.