Category Archives: Guest Post

Momma’s 12 Days of Christmas

Momma Be Thy Name

One of the best things about blogging – aside from getting to tell all you wonderful people all my wacky stories – is getting to know the wacky stories of others.One of those hilarious people is blogger Momma Be Thy Name. Tagline “Because misery loves company” in case you needed proof. Stephanie (the aforementioned Momma) is a fellow twin mom, embracing the craziness and chronicling it on her blog. I can relate. Continue reading

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Guest Post: Husbands, Take Note

We’ve got a guest contributor today. Because I’m off cavorting about the Big Apple (see tweet stream for live coverage updates).

You may have heard of AuntJ – she’s oft mentioned round these parts. And these are her thoughts. Chocolate tips welcome. Continue reading


AlliosNews: App Review

We’re a technical family. The pending arrival of the copy and paste command was announced via Facebook (it was totally the cool thing at the time).

And, you know, blogging the little ones entire lives. Livin’ the Silicon Valley life, yo. Continue reading

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FISHIES: Boys to the Beach

Today’s post is brought to you by JON!

The boys set off an excursion to the Monterey Bay Aquarium today, with bold plans to play with fishies, penguins and otters. I had to work.

Guess what sounds more fun?

I made Jon promise to take lots of pictures. And also notes. Because the blog fodder wasn’t going to suddenly appear whilst I toiled away in my beige-ish cubicle (with a distinct lack of muppets and aquatic animals). He was thrilled. Continue reading


Guest Post: Got Milk

Today’s post is brought you by Amber the Amazing.

Amber has two boys – 3 years and 5 months. She works. She manages an apartment complex. She giggles and bounces. When I first met her many years ago I thought, “No way I’m going to like her.”

I love her. (Exhibit A. Exhibit B. Exhibit C.)

To paraphrase (the now defunct) REM, “She is, she is, she is Supermom, and she knows what’s happening. She is, she is, she is Supermom. And she can do anything.” Continue reading

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Like a *REAL* Writer

This is Mommyhood is the mother of a manic toddler. She’s an anxious, depressed giant book nerd. And her little hummingbird on crack (man, that nickname even beats the muppets) even did a stint in the NICU.

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Searching for Lindsay Lohan

A dear friend of ours is celebrating the holidays out in sunny Palm Springs – Henry is their adorable two-year-old. Please enjoy today’s guest post about toddler priorities.

While in Palm Springs with Sam’s family we did some Christmas shopping. We were driving back to the house and Henry was exhausted – more than an hour late for his nap. I told him as soon as we got home, he was going to take a nap. Of course, he protested. Sam promised him that when he woke up – they would go on an adventure together.

“We can drive the golf cart, see the big river, see if we can find Lindsay Lohan…”

(Lindsay Lohan, in case you live under a rock, is in rehab at Betty Ford, which happens to be about a mile from where we are. In fact, my sister-in-law saw her a few days ago at the Borders across the street that we visit almost every evening after dinner. So, the idea of finding her wasn’t as out of the blue as it may seem…)

Henry tilted his head, scrunched up his nose, and asked in the most innocent tone, “Who is Lindsay Lohan?”

After we recovered from the hysterical laughter, we told him she was an actress and she was on TV.

Once we got home, I tried to put him to sleep and he was beyond tired and fought with all he had. He was crying and screaming, with big, fat tears streaming down his hot, red cheeks. Instead of just nondescript crying – Henry screamed the following phrase, again and again:

“NO!! I don’t want to take a nap! I want to go find Lindsay Lohan!!”

There are no words. I can’t decide if I am ashamed, disgusted or find it all hysterically funny. I think probably a combination of all three.

– Amber Harrison,