Category Archives: Destroy

Sacrifice to the Potty Gods

The boys want nothing to do with the potty. Rather they seem to be quite enamored with going through 3,000 diapers per year.

So we ordered books. (Because heretoforth those “What To Expect” how-to guides have always served us so well…) Continue reading


Easy as A,B,C, 1,2, Poop

Real Shit

So…this was my night. How was yours? Continue reading


Shawshank Redemption (toddler style)

Get busy living, or get busy dying.

From the moment they were born, the muppets made their intentions known – definitively declaring their decision to get busy living, regardless of the obstacles placed in front of them (like breathing). Continue reading


How Do You Do It?


I get this question a lot. The truth is I have no idea. We don’t know anything other than energy-intensive twin boys. JUST DO IT! <Nike swoosh. ©>

However, this response typically elicits a sympathetic pity smile.

So. The reality: Continue reading


The Need to Jump


This was the final week of the winter session’s gymnastics class. (NASTICS!)

We’ll be going back next round. Because Destroy is a big fan. Search seems like he could take it or leave it. (The ever adorable Coach Teresa deemed Search “a good listener” and Destroy “very enthusiastic.” Yeah, I can read between the lines too.) But where else could Destroy hurl himself off raised beams and yell, “Mommy! I’m up high!”

Oh right. At home. Continue reading


Creature Uncomforts (or the fact that my kid is terrified beyond belief of costumes)

This is terrifying people!

This is terrifying people!

My phone buzzed with the latest maternal observation from a friend. “I didn’t know you were a Santa torturer.”

Yup. Every year. We visited Santa this weekend. It did not go well. (Greatest photo ever.) Continue reading

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Out of the Mouths of Babes

Search and Destroy are talking up a storm. Pretty much every other comment is bloggable. I have a feeling this will be a recurring series here – a toddling stream of conscious if you will.

Two and half years old. As they discover the world.

So let’s kick things off with a November holiday sampling. We were home to visit with my parents, who have equally awesome contributions. Continue reading


No Naptime (Or When Toddlers Try Shock Their Parents Via an Exposed Electrical Socket – Literally)

We had a wonderful weekend morning – an early awakening, Eggos and eggs for breakfast, and then we set out for Stan’s Donuts and pumpkin carving kits. (We do try hard to portray the image of picture perfect suburban bliss. Conscious attempts at this illusion result in blog posts.)

When 12:30 rolled around, we headed upstairs – muppets not terribly thrilled with the idea of naptime and mommy and daddy REALLY praying for above-par powers of persuasion. Turns out, they suck. Continue reading


Bonnie and Clyde – Before They Were Stars

I bet you think you know the outlaw couple Bonnie and Clyde. You’re picturing a sepia colored old-timey photo aren’t you? With a couple, complete with Tommy Guns, grimacing back at the Kodak Box Camera.

Two grizzled Depression era baddies – legends and lovers of the gangster era. Bankrobers of the Barrow gang – brothers and buddies capturing America’s attention as public enemy sweethearts No. 1. The stuff of Hollywood gold. Continue reading


Pig Pen and the Flying Leap

Felix Baumgartner leapt from space today. Destroy was impressed. Grandpa texted, “We’d love to have you and the boys come over to pick pumpkins.” These events are related.

Aww…we’d love to! I was impressed that they’d successfully cultivated pumpkins in their backyard. I had visions of my little muppets hugging tiny pumpkins in a sweet family Kodak moment. Then I remembered I have little boys. And for one to have a garden, there must be a plethora of dirt. Continue reading