This afternoon we headed up to celebrate the third birthday of one of the muppets’ girlfriends. It was a dance party.
Destroy was very excited – he practiced his moves all morning. DANCE DANCE! (Search wasn’t feeling all that great. He much preferred to cuddle.) Continue reading →
I got dressed up today – well, more so than usual. It’s my birthday.
I always believed that birthdays should be one’s personal national holiday. It’s only been in recent years that I’ve stopped highlighting the calendar (now I just draw balloons.) Continue reading →
Ten was a good year. I spent my lunches playing pickle on the big kid field with Nick and Holly. The Big Stick popsicle or Fudgesicle were a quarter at the After School Program. I was getting ready to graduate elementary school.
Thirty-one. 31. It’s not old. It’s not young. It’s not even really the middle. It’s adulthood. Continue reading →
Home. A year ago Saturday that was my post. Destroy came home from the NICU on August 6. Tomorrow, August 9, is the anniversary of Search’s homecoming. Continue reading →
What is the point of having a first birthday party? The little ones are still too young to understand what’s going on around them. Jon and I agree. The first birthday is for the parents: “We kept the kid alive for a whole year! Come celebrate!” Continue reading →
Well hell, it’s been 365 days. People told me having kids would change your life, but they neglected to mention our quest for you would send my entire being into a tailspin. Continue reading →
Toys are haphazardly strewn about my living in room – they lay where they fell in the aftermath of Hurricane Muppet.
Both muppets are sitting on their own. They can’t get upright by themselves – but they look adorable when you prop them up. Destroy isn’t as good at maintaining the posture. Search will lean and catch himself. Destroy? “Well, guess we’re going down now.” Thunk.
They’re far more interested in the continued discovery of each and every toy. The can reach out and drag objects toward them. (Deemed “advanced skills” on the milestone growth chart timeline.)
Search spent the morning scootching his little legs up underneath himself and rocking back and forth on his knees. He is so close to crawling. He’ll scoot backwards a few inches, growing increasingly frustrated that the object of his current attention is seemingly moving farther and farther out of his reach. Then after several attempts, he lurched himself forward. He completely faceplanted – but hey, we’re making mobility progress here.
Destroy’s big boy carseats arrived today. The UPS man rang the doorbell, surrounded by four giant Britax boxes. “Four, huh?” he deadpanned. (To be fair, we went ahead and ordered Search’s at the same time.) Jon set about putting the seats together and we strapped the muppets into the land-yacht stroller – forward facing – for the first time. The muppets were giddy with glee. Freedom!
But I think we’ll prolong their childhood (in infant seats) a few weeks more; Destroy has a good two pounds left…And Search doesn’t quite fit. Although, it doesn’t appear he’s going anywhere in his seat; he gave a rousing Houdini effort, but stayed firmly ensconced in his seat.
Today the muppets are nine months old.
The same amount of time has passed in their young lives that they should have remained with me in utero. From two pounds to 20 – why dwell on the beginnings when we’ve come so far. Our days now involve the mundane dealings of infants growing up. (And rantings in the blogosphere from their slightly neurotic mother.)